The Not-So-Accidental Wrong Number

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Mason has convinced me into one of the many things I definitely would do without him, but since he's the one who got me to do it I can blame him instead of just not being the best kid. It's more of an obvious thing to do in my opinion.

"So, coffee?" I ask, smiling. He smiles back, leading us over to his car, a white Jeep, and opening the back to throw his bookbag in. I did the same. I stand right behind him while he closed it and walked off in the direction of the coffee shop.

I'm really sure why he didn't want to just drive there, but I wasn't going to complain about it when I'd rather walk. It isn't raining so the sun warms us as we go. It's peaceful, but the idea of walking in complete silence could kill me right now. It's too much like my house.

"I'm not a fan of Jeeps," I finally said.

He whipped his head to face me so fast I'm positive he hurt his neck.

"What? How? They're so nice!" I laughed a little.

"I've always been told their transmissions suck so bad. Those are so expensive. They're beautiful cars, I like the way they look, they just cost more than they're worth," I explain, laughing more when he made the most disgusted face in my direction.

"You better never insult my baby. Leah is perfect the way she is, transmission and all."


"The Jeep."

"OH MY GOD," I laugh, snorting in the most unattractive way possible, "you named it!"

"No... my Mom did."

I wanted to make another comment, but we'd already reached No-Doze Café. Mason was practically running to the door, escaping the conversation as quickly as he could. He opened the door for me to walk in first, I thanked him while taking in the warm smell of coffee.

No one was in there except a couple of the college students who were studying since they didn't have classes right now. One of my cousins used to hang out here when they didn't have classes. The whole place is aesthetically pleasing, making my heart happy. Mason added to it.

He isn't the Godly kind of handsome when you really look at him. He's beautiful, yeah, but not drop dead with 0 flaws. He has a few patches of tiny freckles on the back of his neck, nothing really noticeable. There are a few tiny faded scars under his chin, but you couldn't see them unless you really studied him.

If you didn't dissect him, you wouldn't notice anything, Mason would be flawless. But I am. I watch the way his body moves while he's relaxed, not focused on anyone watching. I watch how his lips move when he orders his coffee with almond milk. I've noticed how attractive he is a couple of times before, but never the flaws that seemed to just make him a little more admirable.

"And for you, ma'am?" the man asked, bringing my attention to him instead.

"Oh, a vanilla iced coffee, please," I smiled at him. He was about our age, not unattractive, either. He looked at me like he'd deemed me attractive, too.

"Okay. So an almond milk coffee for the Mr. and a vanilla iced mocha coffee for the pretty lady, that'll be $15," he smiled.

I already had my money out, handing it to him when Mason snatched it out of my hand, handing him a 20, then shoved my 10 and 5 into my back pocket, letting his hand linger on top of the pocket for a second before wrapping his arm around my waist and bringing me closer.

The cashier went to give Mason his change, but Mason shook his head and held up a hand, leading us over to the other side of the Café to sit.

"Why almond milk?" I asked.

"I'm lactose intolerant," he stated, watching the cashier.

I nodded. You learn new things every day I guess. I watched him for a second, noticing him eyeing the cashier like a predator ready to attack.

"Okay, what's up with you watching the cashier?"

His head snapped to me before his glare shot back to him for a second, then back to me.

"The way he was watching you was so gross. You shouldn't watch a lady like that. He was flirting with you so much, it was weird," Mason snapped, glaring at the boy again like it would make him suddenly explode.

I laughed. "Really? He called me pretty once, Mason," I giggled, looking over to the guy, too.

"Almond coffee!" a girl stated loudly, Mason got his and sat back down.

Soon after, the cashier guy called out my order, despite the look Mason shot me and him already going to stand, I jumped out of my chair and fast-walked to the counter.

"Thank you," I smiled, taking the coffee from his hand. He smiled back.

"Hey, uh, could I maybe..." he trailed off, putting his hand behind his neck, a small blush forming on his cheeks. I smiled more, walking back over to him.

"Your number, maybe?" he asked, his voice going higher at the end. I laughed, nodding a little. I took the holder off my coffee, pulled a pen from his apron, then jotted a girl's number. Dana Moore.

She could get any guy fast, even without help. We aren't really friends friends, just more of the kind where you just chat some and then go off somewhere, but she's still sweet enough to either talk to this guy or let him down easily. It's up to her now.

Personally, I'm not looking for anyone. When we get out of school, we'll probably drift apart and it's just some baggage to deal with in the future that I'm not totally up for.

He took it, we went our separate ways as I made my way back to the table, Mason fuming. Anger had bubbled its way forward, even though he had no real reason to. The dude didn't look at me funny or anything.

"Did you just give him your number?" he growled, his eyes holding a dangerous glint. I'm not scared. He's been recently beaten up, I'm sure I could take him.

"No?" I sipped my drink, looking out the closest window, which wasn't at all close so I had to awkwardly angle my neck to try.

He leaned forward, getting a little too close to my face, his eyes still deadly. I hesitated, my face turning completely to his, trying to make some kind of point. Like, hey, screw you. But instead, I just regretted it when he got so close I could feel his breath fan over my cheeks.

"Then what'd you write on the paper?"

His breath kind of smells like mint from his toothpaste, a little coffee mixed with it enough to be noticeable but not enough to be disturbing.

"A phone number," I smiled, just because I enjoy being an ass sometimes.

He laughed, except it lacked humor. "Look, I'm not playing any games. Until we can get rid of this situation, then you're stuck with me. Which means, in public, you're not allowed to go flirting. If anyone finds out, that screws you over a lot more than it does me."

He was right. If people thought I was dating other people while I was with Mason, it makes me seem like a terrible person. As much as it kind of pisses me off, he's right.

"It's Dana Moore's number. If anyone asks, I'm telling them he asked for yours, and you gave it to me to let him have."

His face went completely straight.




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