Ah- So You ARE a Douchebag

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I woke up to the morning. It would've been really nice if the sunlight wasn't directly in my eyes and burning my irises.

Shielding my eyes from the lights attack, I sit up slowly, realizing how sore my whole body feels. Muscles I didn't even know were there ached in protest to the movement. A chill runs through me as I realize my window is still open, a nice little breeze flowing in and chilling my apparently still naked body.

I flop back down on to my pillow and reach a hand over to a cold side of my bed. Surprise slaps me across the face as I turn to see Mason isn't there.

Maybe he went to the bathroom.

I decide to get up and put some clothes on to go search for him. Slowly as I made my way through the house when I noticed a smell. Bacon?

I make my way down the stares, bending over to peak into the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelp and run to him.

"Dad! You're home!"

He smiles and pulls me into him for a tight hug. "I missed you, honey!"

My heart swells for a moment while I breath in his familiar scent. Then it hits me. I pull away from him a little forcefully to look him in the eyes.

"Why the fuck did you leave us?"

His smile drops and he gives me a look as if to tell me my language wasn't acceptable. Who is he to give me a disappointed look right now?

"Don't look at me like that, I think I have every right to cuss."

"I know," he sighs. "I don't have an excuse, Emily. Your mother and I were having problems and I didn't know what to do, so I just picked up and left. I needed to get away and figure things out for myself. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that to you."

"To me?" I ask bitterly, placing my hand over my chest. "Wha about your wife? What about the woman who did everything around the house so you didn't have to? Her whole life revolves around you. We were a family and you destroyed it! How could you do that to either of us?"

He shook his head. "I didn't know what else to do."

"Uh, well you could've-, and I'm just pitching out ideas so tell me if this is crazy, but maybe just not fucking abandoned your wife and child! Go to therapy? Go to a bar and talk shit to a stranger about your problems? This one is gonna sound out of the water, but how about communicating you have a problem instead of being a dick. I think that last one has a nice ring to it."

"Look, let's just eat and we'll talk about this-," he says but I cut him off.

"Oh, yeah! Pancakes and talking about this WEEKS after it happened is really gonna be our problem solver!"

"Emily, stop being disrespectful," my Mother snapped suddenly from behind me.

I turn to look at her. She looks like shit. Her hair is a wreck, dark bags circle under her eyes, and she's lost a lot of weight. I somewhat expected her to immediately snap back when Dad came back.

I listen to my Mom and keep my mouth shut. An uncomfortable silence falls over all of us. A couple of minutes felt like hours.

"We're getting divorced," my Dads voice breaks through finally.

My gaze falls to the ground and everything else is suddenly muffled. They're both talking to me but I can't hear them anymore, all I can think of is how my life will never be the same again.

We'll never have breakfast as a family anymore, or sit around in the living room at night to talk about random things that happened during our week. We're never going on the vacation we planned.

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