Slow Your Roll Buddy I Don't Want To Kiss You

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I'm the actual worst at updating, I'm so sorry to you all.

"Emmi, I might kill you."

What a nice Thursday morning greeting.

I turned to face Dana Moore, smiling a beautiful smile. She laughed, walking closer to me.

"He messaged you, I assume?" I asked, facing her for a second before turning and unlocking my locker.

I got home really late last night. Mom didn't care, she was sitting at the counter with her head in her hands. I tried talking to her, but she wouldn't even glance at me.

"He did. You're a dick for putting me in that situation."

I laughed a little while still shuffling through the locker. She's right.

"I'm sorry, I figured you'd know what to do. What happened?" I asked, finally pulling out a science book I need to return to the class. Teachers only tolerate it for so long.

"He and Katie have a date Friday night, she's gone through a dry spell for the last couple of months and he liked her picture."

I nodded, trying to find a way out of the conversation. I need to go talk to Mason and see when we should stage the next break-up attempt. Dana continued rambling about Katie, a girl I've had about three classes with who's a sweet girl but cheats on every guy she gets with. The dry spell is on her. I've heard she doesn't even really show any interest in guys. Which is odd, Dana is kind of homophobic, I wouldn't peg her to have Katie's picture and number at hand.

"And- Emmi are you even listening?" Dana snapped, bringing my attention back down to earth.

"Not really, sorry. Look, Dana, I really have to go meet someone, can you text me or something later?" I asked, pushing my science book into my bag and throwing it on as fast as I could.

She rolled her eyes and nodded, parting ways with me while I pulled my phone out and sent a text to Mason.

To: Fake Boyfriend

Hey, meet me at our spot at 5?

sent: 7:56 AM

When he didn't respond, I went ahead and went to the weird room we first really met at. It was dark and for some reason kind of wet and gross. We need to find a better place to talk that wasn't in public.

I turned my flashlight on my phone on and made my way over to where I was to start. There was already someone there. Not Mason.

There Lucas stood, leaning against the gross wall, staring at me with a bitter smirk.

"Go away, dipshit," I growled, making sure my light was positioned to go right into his eyes. He got off the walk and walked towards me, holding a phone in his left hand.

"Well, Ms. Emmi, what would be your reasoning for meeting Mason in such a dark and private place?" he smiled sickeningly.

I smiled back the same. As a smaller chick, I should be concerned with Lucas's intentions in a secluded area. However, as a smaller chick who wouldn't mind kicking Lucas's knees in with zero hesitation if he even looked at me wrong, I'm not shaking.

"To speak? Legit none of my text was flirty, you're getting way too carried away in that daft little brain you have," I said a little slower, just to piss him off. "Why do you have his phone? How did you even know where I was talking about?"

His smile dropped for a bit and he took a couple more steps toward me. I didn't move.

"You're such a bitch," he said, leaning his back against the wall and sliding down to sit on the floor.

I hate when people sit while they're talking to you standing. It's so awkward. I'm aware of how gross I am from that angle, and no matter how much I hate him I wouldn't curse his eyes with my awkwardness.

I slid down the wall and sat next to him, turning the light off so my phone wouldn't die and so I could naturally adjust to the darkness.

"I'm aware. Seriously, how did you know where I was talking about?" I asked, looking over. My eyes adjusted to shape his figure out.

"He told his friends about this cool girl he was interested in. He left his phone in the locker room. It has a password, but you can still see the texts from his notifications. His friends said this is where he went," he finally explained, leaning his head back to rest on the wall.

Lucas's voice changes a lot when he's lying. It stayed consistent so I guess he's telling the truth. I grew up with him, his dad used to be friends with mine, so I had to spend quality time with him against my will. I know Lucas as well as his mother.

I didn't have a response to his concession so I just nodded.

We sat in awkward silence for a painful minute before he turned his head to look at me. I looked back at him. He smiled.

"Wanna skip?"

I thought for a second.

"No, not really with you."

He chuckled. "Emmi, you're not too bad."

"Four minutes ago I was a bitch," I reminded him.

"Four minutes ago was a much different time. You shouldn't live in the past. You'll stress too much, you're already working on wrinkles."

I punched his stomach while he laughed and wheezed. He isn't as funny as he thinks he is. He is excruciatingly annoying, though. It's almost impressive.

"You're a lot better when you don't open your mouth," I snapped.

"Oh, but it does such amazing things when I keep it open," he laughed again.

I smiled. "Not from what I've heard."

His laugh immediately cut, but there was a twinkle in his eye.

"Please skip with me, Emmi. It'll be boring alone." He never stops.

I shook my head again.

He stared at me for a while, I returned his gaze. It was intimate almost, just good enough I felt like maybe we could be friends.

Then he leaned in.

"Slow your roll dude, I don't want to kiss you," I laughed, leaning my head back and keeping my hand close to his chest so I could stop him if needed.

He laughed, backing up too, and then stood. I got up too and walked out with him, making sure he knew I would kick his ass if that phone was not returned to Mason. He agreed and we parted ways. I completely missed the first period, so I told my second block teacher I had been in the bathroom with "girl problems" and got a warning to tell someone next time.

I couldn't help but think back to Lucas and how nice he'd been.

Maybe we could be friends.



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