This Is Probably Actual Hell

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Never cover made by herophinee, tysm I love it!! Imma just dedicate this chapter to them, too. Honestly again, thank you💕

I hope you enjoy your chapter!


It's almost 7. I'm pretty much ready, I just need to put shoes on. Nerves eat at my stomach and I'm not sure why. This is just Mason, dinner with him is just going to be casual. So why am I so nervous?

I went to the bathroom to check my hair and makeup again. I look the same as I did the last four times I've done this, but what if this time mascara was everywhere and curled hair looked like a bird had taken home in it? When did I start caring what Mason thought of me? I'm just the same ol' Emmi.

I'm only dressed for dinner. Mostly because if I don't look the part for a party, I may be able to take a rain check on the party tonight. Apparently, it's supposed to be a big deal since Dana is wiggling her way there. She only goes when she knows it'll be fun or she can get extremely wasted.

Still, I don't want to go. He can't make me.

7:31 PM. There's a knock on the front door. My palms immediately start sweating, my legs are shaking and my entire stomach has gone haywire with butterflies.

Why are you doing this? Jesus, chill out.

I marched to the door, being a little more careful so I didn't fall, and jerked the door open before I could think about it. A very attractive- I mean, disgusting- Mason. He didn't seem to be dressed to party, either.

He looked me up and down, his eyes scanning my entire body before going back to my own eyes, flashing a bright smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Adorable," he said, pushing the door open and walking in.

"Why don't you just come in then," I laughed, closing the door and following behind him.

He shot another smile in my direction before turning and looking around the house. "Where's your room?"

My own smile dropped, my face feeling way too hot all of the sudden. Am I blushing? I don't blush. It's just warm in here. It's way too warm in here. Why is it so hot now? I need to open a window, I can't breathe.

"It's-- I- what?? Wh-why? What's with the sudden interest in my room? It's hot in here, I'm hot. Are you hot?" I asked, walking to the closest window, "It's hot. Here, I'll just- I'll just open this up."

I pulled up, shocked when the window wouldn't budge. I pulled harder, only to find the same result. I put all my weight into pulling until I heard a smallish cracking noise from the wood at the top of the window.

Mason walked over, putting his hand on my side and guiding me out of the way of the window so he could unlock the top of it and pull up.

"There. How about you chill out for a second? Sit down- no on the couch, Emmi, not the floor. Jesus. I'm going to go find your room so I can grab you an outfit for later tonight, you're going to feel uncomfortable in that at a party," Mason said, leading me over to the living room so I could sit.

"Mason, I really don't want to go to this party. Partying isn't really my thing, I'm not a fan of loud music and loud people at the same time," I groaned at him, flopping down onto the couch and looking back at his face.

He only watched me for a little bit, his eyes holding this emotion I wasn't completely familiar with seeing. It was just this genuine happiness, his lips were almost pulled into a smile but not quite, like he was going to but then he forgot halfway into the process.

He finally snapped out of whatever he was in and smiled fully now. "Yeah, Emmi, that's completely fine. Thank you for telling me so I didn't completely ruin your night," he laughed, his entire face still lit up. I've never seen such a happy face on a person before.

I smiled back, reaching my hand out for him to help me up. He took it and tugged a bit to put me on my feet.

We started walking to the door, hands still connected. They're too warm to let go. Mason just pulled me along with him to the Jeep door, opening it for me and taking my purse for a second so I could get in easier, then handing it back when I was seated and finally closing the door.

It was hilarious watching him jog around the front of the vehicle to hop in.

"Ready?" he asked, already starting the car and going to pull out. I just nodded and watched out the window.

____________*like 15 mins later*__________

"How classy," I snorted, opening my door for myself and hopping out and facing the Burger King.

Mason rolled his eyes, a small smirk playing on his lips. I swear his face just lights up. "Whatever, you know this is exactly where you were hoping we'd go," he grinned, making him look a little more charming than I would've expected on such a smartass face.

I watched him a little longer. His posture was relaxed while he gazed a little too lovingly at the Burger King. His one true love? Almost definitely this building.

"Food?" I asked, turning my attention back to the building.


"Stop looking at it like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you're about to take it ask your bride," I snorted.

He huffed next to me as we walked through the doors. The entire place smells like grease, I feel at peace. This is home.

We both looked at the menu while we walked up to the register. The girl behind the counter stared at me for an uncomfortable about of time. Probably because I'm standing next to a Greek god, and I look like an idiot dressed a little too dressy.

"What can I get you two?" she asked finally, gazing down at the buttons on the cash register.

Mason stared up a little bit longer while he ordered a crispy chicken salad with Italian dressing. She nodded, hit a couple of buttons, and then turned to me.

"A-and you?"

I smiled. "A Whooper."

She smiled back a little timidly and punched a button. We both got medium soda cups. I got Sprite while he got Dr. Pepper.

As we were turning, my clumsiness decided now was the best time to make me trip over my own feet and collapse, managing to land onto my drink so it went everywhere. Mason hadn't processed the drink on the floor yet so while he was walking and drinking his Dr. Pepper out of the cup (yes, without a top and straw-- he's an actual monster), he slipped and his drink fell into his face and down his neck during the fall.

We laid there helplessly for a couple of beats. A long silence filled the dining area, the only noise coming from things cooking in the back.

Then finally; "Uh... Ma'am? You-your food is ready."

This is what hell must be like.



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