The Great Alleyway Extravaganza

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There was a rumor I was mugged in some dark, sketchy alleyway. It was all dramatic, I was at gunpoint, there were four, large men, and I almost died.

This is only partly true.

Really, it wasn't some dark alleyway, I was right next to the foodmart, getting ice cream. One very scrawny guy grabbed the back of my hood and jerked me into the darker corner. There wasn't a gun. A tiny pocket knife, yes, but no gun.

In the great story, the main male character, Mason, came into play.

He jumped in and saved me from the angry men, flexing his muscles a lot and pounding other guys in the face.

Which isn't exactly what happened. Really, he walked up and asked if there was a problem. I only looked up to him, looking all pathetic, while the idiot with a knife told him to keep walking.

Mason took a step forward, and the guy lost all confidence when he realized Mason was taller than him by a good 5 inches.

"Give me the knife," he had calmly demanded at the guy, but the douche decided to try and stab him instead.

It was funny, actually. Mason punched him once, and the guy fell over.

After that, we called the police, they came and got the guy, made sure that we were both okay, told him he was a hero, and left.

Mason and I never sat down and planned out and exciting story to replace the truth.

Really, one girl who went to our school walked past. She took a photo, and saw one guy getting thrown into the back of a police car. I guess she assumed that maybe there was more than one guy, or maybe she just wanted to tell an entertaining story. Whatever it was, the truth was not only bent, it was basically broken up into pieces, people just picked the parts they wanted in their story.

Afterwards, I pulled Mason aside the next day to thank him. He accepted, and that was pretty much all anyone else needed to start the next rumor.



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