Falling Out of Windows And Other Casual Things

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The entire weekend was uneventful. I filled it with studying, cleaning, cooking, reading, and binge watching dystopian movies. By the end of it, I'd seen my mom a total of 5 times. It's possible she's gone back to work or gotten some kind of hobby, and honestly I'd be happy for her if that's the situation. We can't stop life in our bad moments.

My mom hasn't actually made a move to talk to me. After the text I sent her Friday, I got a thumbs-up emoji in response (prick move). I didn't respond and I found an empty container in the sink in the morning. Every night this weekend I've made us dinner, feeling weird about the reversed roles.

Now, it's 8:20pm on a Sunday night, dinner has already been made and eaten, container is in the fridge, I've gotten the whole nightly routine done and am already settled in for the night when I heard my phone buzz on the nightstand.

From: Fake Boyfriend

Get dressed. Omw. Wear something nice.

sent: 8:22PM

Are you kidding me? 8 at night and he expects me to jump up and do whatever he says? No, thanks.

I throw the phone down next to me on the comforter and try and focus on the movie. For some reason, my thoughts are more interested in how I would tell Mason off if he just showed up to my house. I'd gotten a whole dialogue down in my head by the time I heard a car door close.

Resisting the urge to fly down the stairs and kick him in his shin, I stay in bed. I stay in bed and glue my eyes to the movie even though I haven't actually been paying attention.


Are you kidding me.

The small noise came from my window, something small hitting the glass. I don't get up still. He'll go away if I ignore him.

~13 missed calls, 17 texts, & 20 minutes later~

I could murder a man. I think I have that kind of energy.


What is he doing!?

I finally march my butt to my window and fling the curtains open, pulling it open with a little too much force, and sticking my head out with way too much momentum. My head makes it out of the window, then my shoulders, and torso, and then pretty soon the rest of my body is just falling out.

I'm falling out of my window.

I'm falling out of a window.

Luckily there's a really small tree not too far down and I can wrap my arms around it, the rest of my body dangling from the unstable limb that somehow managed my weight.

"Oh my god, are you okay!?" Mason yelled up.

I hate him.

"DOES THIS LOOK OKAY?" I scream down at him, my body wiggling a little bit.

He was quiet for a second and then, "Well, do you want the truth?"

I didn't respond, instead tried to kind of climb upwards and maybe be able to climb down. When I try to lift up, the limb made a very concerning creak that made me immediately stop my attempt.

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