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Lilith's date with Blaise was amazing. He took her to Hogsmeade and bought them drinks at the Three Broomsticks. For the rest of the evening, until around eight thirty, Blaise and her talked and stargazed. Lilith was never close to Blaise but those two hours together they spent joking around and talking, she felt like she'd known the real Blaise all her life.

Happy was such a rare feeling nowadays, but at that moment, during that evening, she felt it with Blaise. Lilith felt happy.

Would it last? No, not with him.

Lilith would be leaving for her house tomorrow, Thursday. She was starting to pack up some of her clothes but decided to leave most of her pants. Lilith was more into wearing skirts and dresses so wearing pants was sort of rare. When she was finally done packing all her stuff, she left her trunks next to her door, where the elves would pick it up the next morning, and headed to the Great Hall to have some breakfast.

"I leave tomorrow and you'll have to try and survive without me for a day," Lilith exclaimed as she walked to the Gryffindor table where her friends were sitting.

Harry stood up from the table and made some space for her, "However will we manage?" he joked as he pecked her forehead.

"Mione, did we have any homework for today?" Lilith asked as she extended her hand to the center of the table and grabbed the spoon for the mashed potatoes and put some on her plate.

"No, we didn't, Lily, but we'll probably have an exam when we come back from break," she replied as she pushed her curls away from her face.

"Can you do me a favor and send me the notes from tomorrow's lesson?"

"Yeah, of course," Hermione said with a kind smile.

"Am I invisible or something?" Ginny exclaimed when Lilith hadn't addressed her nor spared her a glance.

"Babes, of course not but I was just asking Mione something," Lilith looked up from her plate and saw Ginny sitting in front of her with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Granted I may not be as smart but I'm your best friend," she snapped, "so you should also talk to me first."

"Actually, your boyfriend, here," she pointed to Harry next to her, "is my best friend."

"Oh, you bitch," Ginny joked.

"Gin, you're my girl best friend and Harry is my guy best friend."

"No, he's not. You're my only best friend so I should be yours."

"Wait- I'm not your best friend, babe?" Harry questioned with a frown on his face.

"And what about me?" Hermione chipped it.

"I- that's not the point- of course you are." Ginny's eyes traveled from Hermione to Harry and then to Lilith.

"I thought I was your only best friend, Gin."

"Ladies, ladies, please don't fight," the redhead walking up to them spoke with a confused look on his face.

"Redhead, I think you need to learn how to control your sister."

"I think you need to teach Lilith how to acknowledge me as her only best friend," Ginny snapped.

"I was gone to the bathroom for a minute and this," Ron signals between Lilith and Ginny's bodies, "happens?"

"Actually, Ronald, if you knew anything about them, you would know that they're just joking," the muggle born witch said.

"Yes, Ronald, we are just joking. So if she wakes up tomorrow hexed, don't blame me," Ginny grinned evilly at Lilith.

Lilith chuckled, "I don't think you're talented enough to hex me, babes."

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