~ T W EN T Y - N I N E ~

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Looking at herself in the mirror, Lilith couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline. She was very excited for the ball. She hadn't been to one since their fourth year but she wasn't too fond of that memory because of Cedric Diggory's death. They weren't friends but his death impacted everyone greatly.

"Jones," Draco knocked on her door, "Hurry the fuck up."

"I'll be out in a minute!" Lilith sprayed some of her peach perfume on her body and put the small hairs sticking out back in place. Her curled hair was perfectly side-parted as it rested on both of her shoulders.

"We were supposed to be there a couple of minutes ago. Merlin, how long does it take for you to get ready?"

"Don't get your panties in a twist, Malfoy," Lilith put away the perfume and smiled at herself before she walked over to the door and opened it.

Draco was looking down the stairs as he waited for Lilith to come out and he turned around when he heard the door open. His eyes trailed over her dress and her body as his mouth opened slowly, "I think I like you better in black than green, Jones."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," Lilith stepped out and walked to stand next to him. She took her time to scan his outfit. Draco was wearing a white suit with a black dress shirt underneath, "You don't look too bad yourself."

He scoffed, "I look great, Jones, you don't have to be scared to tell me." Lilith closed the door and ignored him, "Let's go then," Draco extended his arm.

"Since when do you have manners?"

"Since always."

"You don't show it often."

"Just take my arm, will you?" Draco rolled her eyes at her. Lilith chuckled and locked arms with him.

As they made their way down the stairs and into the unrecognizable sitting room, Lilith gasped at how beautiful it looked. The chandelier was hanging above, reflecting all the colors decorating the walls. The tables were placed around the room, leaving space in the middle for people to join in. There were people dancing to the beat of the music the orchestra was playing while other people were talking and drinking. Everyone was wearing either black or white.

"Dear, you look absolutely gorgeous," Lucius and Narcissa walked up to them, their arms also locked together.

"Thank you. As do you," Lilith smiled at Narcissa. She was wearing a black gown with long sleeves that complimented her body. "Mister Malfoy," Lilith turned to Lucius and he gave her a simple nod. He was wearing a black suit that perfectly matched Narcissa's gown. "Everything looks so stunning. I can't believe this was the sitting room."

"Yes, I think the elves did a wonderful job," Narcissa turned her sight on Draco, "Oh, Draco, you look so handsome," Narcissa unlocked her arms and walked to her son and cupped his cheeks. Lilith covered her mouth to suppress a laugh and Draco glared at her. Narcissa backed away and locked arms with Lucius again, "We're going to let you two enjoy your night. And don't worry about Maya. She's upstairs playing with the elves. She said she didn't want to join in."

Lilith chuckled, "Yeah, these kind of events were never her thing."

"We received an owl from your parents this morning, Miss Lilith, and they have informed us that they will not be making it. I hope this helps you enjoy your evening," Lucius exchanged glances with Draco and Lilith.

"Thank you," Draco said as he placed his hand on Lilith's lower back and led her towards some guests. Lilith sighed in relief that she didn't need to confront her parents after what happened yesterday.

Lilith walked next to Draco and saluted everyone she was introduced to. She didn't recognize anyone but she greeted them anyways and conversed nonetheless. Their greetings went on for ten more minutes and Lilith felt herself growing a bit bored. It's not that the ball wasn't beautiful, because it absolutely was, but she didn't have much to do. At some point she was offered champagne and she took it, hoping it would make the night move a little faster.

"You might want to take it easy on the champagne, Jones."

"Why's that?" Lilith grabbed one more glass from someone who walked up to them and offered them a drink.

"Because you need to be able to keep your balance when you and I dance."

Lilith almost choked on her drink, "What?"

"Well, you didn't really think this was all we were going to do, did you?" Lilith shrugged, "It wouldn't be a ball without a dance," Draco smirked at her as he grabbed a napkin from a table and handed it to her.

"When is this dance?" Lilith cleaned her mouth.

Draco looked to the side and saw his mother signaling for them to come over, "Looks like right about now."

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