~ E I G H T E E N ~

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Christmas had passed by so quickly. She spent most of the day writing letters to her friends and spending time with her sister. Her parents weren't so keen on celebrating Christmas so they didn't do anything with their daughters. Their father, Andre, stayed in his study and worked like always, while their mother wrote letters back and forth with Narcissa, Draco's mother, trying to make sure everything was set in place in order for her daughter to have a comfortable stay.

However, Draco had already left as of last night. He left after Lilith pecked him on the lips and he had asked her to attend a ball with him. He had gone home to help make preparations for Lilith's stay. Of course he was forced to do this but he actually enjoyed picking out the furniture, the paintings, the bed, and the curtains, for her bedroom, especially since they had grown quite close.

Draco wanted to make sure she felt at home.

Their kiss from last night was different. It was just a mere peck that even left Draco Malfoy shocked. Perhaps he was reading too much into it and it didn't mean anything at all, but once Draco left her house, all he could think about was that damned kiss.

He felt it was a sign of their 'relationship' becoming something real, something that didn't feel planned. Except it was. Draco felt entrapped, as if he had just been caught in a net of new emotions he didn't understand and couldn't crawl out of.

Little did he know, Lilith was thinking the same thing. Maybe it was her instinct that had taken over her when she kissed him, but it felt so natural. And it was something she'd been waiting to do ever since his first night at her house.

Last night's kiss was close to being nothing, given how gentle it was, but it meant everything for both of them.

"Are you ready to leave, Lilith?" Her mother was yelling from downstairs while making Blemmy prepare a full breakfast for her daughter. Lilith guessed that's how her mother would want to send her off and show her that she would miss her, "Maya, dear, come here, will you?"

Maya was refusing to help do anything that evening because she didn't want Lilith to leave, so if not helping around the house in order to get Lilith prepared to leave would make her stay, Maya was willing to stay seated on the floor the whole day, "No."

Scarlet was starting to get irritated with her youngest daughter. She already had enough to worry about, she didn't need her daughter to throw a tantrum, "Maya, get over here-"

"Come on, Maya," Lilith cut her mother off, sensing she would unleash her anger towards Maya, "Let's talk, yeah?" Maya slowly nodded and stood up, walking up to her sister and grabbing her hand, "What's wrong?"

"I don't want you to leave," her lip quivered.

Lilith ducked her head to meet her sister's eyes, "It's only for a little bit. After I stay at their house, I'm going back to school, and then I'll be out of there and be here with you whenever you need me," Lilith lied. In reality, she didn't know what life would be like after her last year at Hogwarts.

Would she be allowed to visit her family? Would her family be able to visit her? How much freedom would she have?

"But I don't want you to go, Lily. I'm scared I won't see you for a long time and what if something happens?" Maya's eyes were on the verge of tears. For three weeks she hadn't seen her sister, and now that she had been home for only a week, she didn't want to let go.

Lilith felt horrible about leaving her sister, again, but she wasn't sure if Maya would understand the real reason as to why she needed to leave today, "Nothing's going to happen, Maya," Lilith brought her sister's hands to her lips and kissed them individually, "Do you remember Draco Malfoy? He was here two days ago," Maya slowly lifted her head from the ground and nodded, "Well, I'm staying at his house for a little bit, and I'll make sure you can come and visit me."

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