~ F O R T Y - N I N E ~

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"About time," Harry stood up when he heard a crack indicating Draco, Lilith, Hermione, and Ron had arrived, "What took so long?"

"Ronald here," Draco pointed to where Ron was standing as he licked his lips, "begged to stay a little longer for some pie."

"Are you always hungry?" Pansy asked with her head on Blaise's shoulder.

"What about it?" He replied.

"Are we going to spend the rest of the night talking about my brother's obsession with food or are we going to celebrate?" Ginny came into the patio, where everyone was standing and sitting, with three drinks in her hands and the other eight levitating beside her.

Everyone took a glass of alcohol while Ron took the one with no alcohol. Ron didn't have a problem with watching his friends drink in front of him. On the contrary, he found it relaxing that his friends didn't change their whole lives for his problem. He had been months sober at this point and it was much easier to go into bars or sit with his friends while they drank, and he was thankful he had the best support group. He never said it but if it wasn't for them, he would've relapsed a long time ago. He loved them—all of them.

The group, in the past couple of months, had grown closer than any other group. They had gotten to know each other, learned about their lives, learned to respect who they were and how they lived, and, most importantly, apologized for their past wrongdoings to each other. It wasn't the most traditional of friend groups—4 Gryffindors and 4 Slytherins—but they learned to work through it and appreciate each other for what they were. Whether it was learning to love each other's flaws or learning to set aside their differences, they made it work. The blood status didn't matter to them anymore—they had left that behind. Grades didn't matter unless it was in a playful competition. Nothing to the group mattered but the well-being of each other. They were family.

"Depends," Ron said, "What kind of food is there?"

"Where are we anyways?" Draco looked around.

The eight of them were standing in a patio with a fireplace in the center of the two velvet couches and one resting chair. There was a wooden shade on top of them, covering the space they were all in but not blinding the light from the sun. There were lights running down the sides of the shade, illuminating the area where they were seated.

"Do you seriously not recognize this place?" Blaise stood up from his place and grabbed Lilith and Draco's arms, pulling them to the other side of the patio that wasn't covered with tress or other people. Into sight came the beautiful shining lights of a tower, "We're in Paris—the city of love."

"You guys really planned our wedding to be in Paris?" Lilith walked to her group of friends, chuckling.

"You underestimate us," Ron said, "We can be very surprising."

"Yeah, but you also have the ability to ruin surprises," Pansy called him out, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, okay," Ginny started, "before they start arguing and ruin the night before the wedding," she shot them both deathly glares that made them shut up, "let's fucking celebrate."

"I'll drink to that," Harry raised his glass, "to the soon-to-be husband and wife."

Everyone followed suit and raised their own glasses, taking a sip, "Cheers!"

Hermione walked over to Draco and Lilith, taking her arm and pulling her away, "Sorry, I'm just gonna steal her for a second." Lilith and Hermione joined Pansy and Ginny, who were now standing with their glasses of alcohol in hand and chitchatting.

"What's up?" Lilith set her glass down and crossed her arms over her chest, "Isn't this supposed to be a group celebration?"

"We just wanted to talk about the wedding vows," Pansy nudged Lilith with her elbow, "We wanted to know if you needed help."

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