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The rest of the weekend and the first week of break went by quickly. Now it was December 20th, which meant it was almost time for Christmas.

Lilith had been trying to write to her friends, especially Ginny, every day but it was almost impossible since she didn't have much to talk about. She was spending most of her time with her sister, which was great, but it wasn't anything to write to her friends about. However, Lilith did write to Harry, letting him know that Maya's nightmares have almost stopped. There were some nights where she still woke up yelling and crying but for the most part, Maya's nightmares were gone.

Despite Lilith's father telling her to arrive a day before break started because he had news, Lilith hadn't seen him. When she asked her mother about it, she simply told Lilith that her father was taking care of some business and finalizing the details of a contract he had signed some time ago. But according to Scarlet, Andre was to come back tonight.

"Lilith?" Maya asked while she sat on the floor and caressed her stuffed animal's back. They were sitting on the floor in Maya's room. Her room, despite her not needing so much space, was quite grand, and since Maya was only five, it wasn't decorated fully. However, Maya did have many toys, mostly rubber balls that Maya and Lilith would use to 'play' Quidditch because she aspired to be as great as her sister.

"Hmm?" Lilith responded as she continued to braid her sister's hair.

"Are you going to leave again?"

Lilith stopped braiding her hair and thought about her question, "Unfortunately, I can't stay here for long, sweetie," she turned her sister's face gently to look at her, "I still have school. But as soon as I get the chance, I'm coming back here," she pecked her forehead, "Besides, in a couple of months my school year will be ending and I'll be able to stay here with you until you're sent off to Hogwarts."

"Is it fun over there?"

During the war, all Maya knew was that a magic school was fighting against the 'bad guys', as she so eloquently put it. She didn't know Hogwarts was the school that was ruined and the one that was raided by Voldemort and his followers.

Her family also told her that Lilith took a break from school because she wanted to be with Maya, despite the reason being that the school was being rebuilt. Lilith didn't want to ruin Maya's vision of Hogwarts, and Lilith couldn't lie to her. Hogwarts was fun, despite all the trauma. It was her second home and she knew that once Maya transferred there, it would also be hers.

"Yeah, it is. It's wonderful."

"Tell me about it," she asked.

"Well, let's see—"

"Lilith! Maya! Your father's home," their mother yelled and both of the witches smiled at each other.

"Maybe some other time, little one," Lilith stood up and grabbed Maya's hand to also help her stand.

"I'm not little, Lilith," Maya retorted.

"Fine, fine. Now let's go see father."

"Are you ready?" Maya asked as she smiled up at Lilith and took her hand from Lilith's gentle hold.

"Go!" Lilith yelled and both witches started running out Maya's room and down the stairs. When Lilith was home all the time, Maya and her would race up and down the stairs. It helped Maya relax her mind and thereby allowed for her to think of anything besides the war.

"Lilith," her father, Andre Jones, a tall and well-built man with slick black hair, black eyes, and tan skin, addressed her.

The smile from Lilith's face faded when she saw her father's stare. It wasn't filled with frustration from her actions, but rather with an unreadable look. It was nothing new to her or anyone else in their family. It was his usual cold stare and manner of greeting her, "Father," she nodded in acknowledgement and placed her hands behind her back. Whenever Lilith saw her father, she always showed him the utmost respect, "May I ask what the news is?"

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