~ T W E N T Y - T H R E E ~

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The flowers Lilith had picked from the garden were in a vase on one of the small tables in the room she was staying in. Lilith was still surprised at how beautiful Draco and Narcissa had decorated the room she was staying in.

The room's walls were white, contrasting to the black queen sized bed in the center of the room. There was a white dresser next to her bathroom while her gray nightstand and black desk were on the other side of the room.

There was a knock on Lilith's door as she grabbed comfortable clothes from her dresser. "Yes?"

"Winky was told to tell Miss dinner is ready."

Lilith slid on her black sweatpants, "Thank you, Winky. Is that all?"

"No. Winky was told to tell also that Mister Malfoy has arrived."

"Lucius Malfoy?" Lilith grabbed a thin sweater from her hanger and put it on.


"Thank you, Winky. I'll be right down." Lilith tied her hair up into a messy bun and left her room, making her way to the dining room.

When Lilith got there and she pushed the two wooden doors open, she walked into a picturesque moment. Draco Malfoy seated on his father's side while Lucius Malfoy had his back facing the door and Narcissa Malfoy seated at the other head of the table.

"Lilith, dear, come sit."

Lilith walked closer to her seat but stopped to greet Lucius. "Mr. Malfoy, pleasure to see you again," Lilith extended her hand to him, which he accepted and shook.

"Miss Lilith," he greeted her and gestured for her to take a seat.

Lilith had always been afraid to have dinner with the whole Malfoy family as a whole. They would be family now, though, so it was only a matter of time before it happened.

Lucius Malfoy was wearing a black suit similar to the one Draco always wore. 'I see where he gets his style from,' she thought to herself. His hair was tied into a low ponytail and none of the hairs on his head were out of place. His hands were placed on top of the table elegantly as he stared at his wife, which Lilith assumed meant they were communicating.

Narcissa Malfoy was seated on her chair with her back straight as an arrow. Her hair was perfectly tied into a half-up and half-down ponytail. She glanced at Lilith and smiled at her before returning to lock eyes with her husband.

Draco Malfoy was seated in front of Lilith and he looked nervous. He was wearing dark green sweatpants with a gray t-shirt. His eyes kept darting back and forth between his father and mother, growing more and more nervous at the silence that had fallen over the room.

Luckily Winky walked in with three other elves at her side, who were all carrying plates and set them down in front of each wizard. "Would Mister like wine?"

Lucius turned his eyes from his wife to the short elf standing next to him, "Yes. Bring a bottle of Zinfandel." Winky snapped his fingers and a bottle of the red wine appeared in the center of the table. "That will be all, Winky." Lucius reached into the pocket of his suit and took out four galleons. He extended them to Winky and patted his shoulder.

Lilith furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and then looked to Draco, who mouthed, "Later."

"Miss Lilith, would you like a glass," Lucius offered.

"Yes, please." Lucius poured a glass of wine and handed it to her, "Let's eat then."

As the wizards sat in the table eating, there wasn't a lot of conversing going on, just a few questions every now and then. If it wasn't for the food in front of them that kept them busy, dinner with the Malfoys would have been extremely awkward.

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