~ F O U R T E E N ~

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Lilith hadn't sent a letter to her friends in a couple of days and she knew Ginny would have a field day if she didn't inform her of her life. With this on her mind, her father at work, and her sister and mother at Hogsmeade again, Lilith sent Ginny an owl, inviting her to lunch at the manor. Within a few hours, Lilith's owl had returned with Ginny's response and Lilith chuckled at the familiarity of her friend's words, Bitch, of course. Life here is slow.

Knowing she would tell Ginny about her arranged marriage to Draco, Lilith decided to tell Draco to not come out of his room. When she got to his door, she knocked and heard shuffling inside his room as he made his way towards her, "Good morning, Malfoy," she chirped when the door opened, knowing Draco would only do as she said if she asked nicely.

"Alright, spill it, what do you need from me?" Draco gestured for her to go inside his room but she shook her head.

"I'm so glad you asked. Ginny is coming over for lunch today and she doesn't know about the marriage thing so you need to stay in your room until she leaves," she smiled cheekily, hoping he would agree.

"For how long?"

"I don't know. Could be a couple of hours," she said in a casual tone.

"Hours?! What if I want to go outside?"

"Well, you can't."

"What if I need to shit?"

"That's why you have your own bathroom."

"What if I want some fresh air?"

"Open a window."

"What if I-" he cut himself off.

What if he wanted to spend time with her?

That's what he wanted to ask but he didn't. First of all, he didn't know if she would want that and second of all, it was best to avoid any problems, "Fine," he huffed and Lilith thought he agreed because he had run out of excuses to leave his room.


"Ginny!" Blemmy had instructed Ginny to go out the garden where she found Lilith already waiting for her.

"Lily!" The two witches hadn't seen each other in more than a week and they longed for a conversation, "About time you invited me to your house again."

"I have so much to tell you, Gin," Lilith was dying to tell her friend about her future.

She wished she could invite Harry over to her house but making Harry and Draco stand in one room together was like waiting for a volcano to erupt. It was not ideal to tell Harry about the dramatic change that was about to happen in her life through a letter but it was the best she could do.

As Blemmy brought the witches two cups of tea, Ginny thanked the small elf and placed a gentle kiss on the shaking elf's head, "Are you gonna leave me in suspense? Go on then," she said as she fiddled with the string of the tea bag and brought the cup to her mouth.

"You have to actually listen to me for once, Gin," Lilith eyed Ginny suspiciously with a hint of warning in her tone of voice.

"When have I not," she replied sarcastically, "Wait, before I forget, Harry told me to tell you that he misses you, and he loves you, and all that shit, but he also wanted me to ask how your sister was doing. He's been worried for both of your mental healths and wants to make sure you're alright."

"Well, Maya has been doing better. She's had less nightmares but they're not fully gone. I'm hopeful she'll get through this but there's a part of me that knows those dreams will never leave her, and it scares me," Ginny reached for Lilith's hand and rubbed circles on her wrist.

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