~ T H I R T Y - T W O ~

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because i wanted to build up the chemistry between lilith and draco, i wrote a chapter for everyday they spent together during their winter break, but now that they're going back to class i'm going to speed it up.

A week had passed by since their new school year had begun once again after their winter break and several students still had trouble staying awake.

"Ron, wake up or McGonagall is going to give you detention," Harry shook Ron awake from his back.

His eyes fluttered open and his head fell on the table, making everyone's head turn to him, "Fuck."

"Mister Weasley, you should learn to go to sleep earlier in order to stay awake in class. Detention with Mr. Filch tonight," McGonagall said and continued teaching her class.

"Fuck," he cursed in a whisper, "Why did we need to come back so early from winter break? We just had to come back on new years."

"It's only fair, isn't it, Ronald?" Hermione was sitting next to him and she rubbed his head to soothe the pain from his fall on the table, "We started the school year late, so it's only fair if our winter break is shorter."

"It's not fair, Mione," Ginny groaned, "I could be back at the Burrow with my head on my pillow and my blanket covering me."

"You're just lazy, Gin," Lilith was sitting next to Draco as she took sloppy notes.

"If you don't take careful notes, Jones, I might beat you in the next test," Draco kept on writing on his parchment.

"Shut up. I'll just take your notes later to use as a study guide," Lilith yawned.

Draco scoffed, "No fucking way. I'm not giving you my notes."

"Who said anything about you giving them to me, Malfoy. I'm just going to take them," she looked at Draco and smirked.

"I guess that means that I can't leave your side until the test passes, huh?" Draco smirked back.

"Guess so," she replied, setting the quill down on the table and putting her head on the table.

"Are you seriously going to take a nap right now?" He asked as he continued to take notes on his parchment.

"Yeah. You'll cover for me, won't you?"

Draco sighed and grabbed her parchment paper. He began to copy his own notes unto her parchment twice as fast so he could catch her up on everything, "Just close your eyes. Class will be over soon."

Lilith smiled to herself and closed her eyes. She immediately fell asleep on the wood and was woke up several minutes later by Draco tapping on her shoulder. "Hmm?"

"If you don't get up in five seconds, you'll get detention and I'll leave you alone for that," Draco packed up his parchment and quill and placed it inside his bag.

"I'm going," she mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Lilith stood up from her table and Draco helped her by packing her stuff into her bag as well.

As they made their way out the door, Lilith informed Draco that she needed to get something from her dorm. He told her to hurry up or she would be late to her next class. Lilith ignored him and walked to her dorm. She quickly grabbed a sweater for herself and left her room, making her way downstairs.

"Lilith," it appeared Pansy was waiting for Lilith in front of the door.

"Pansy, do you need something?"

"Yes," Pansy replied nervously, "I wanted to invite you to have lunch with me. Just you and me."

Lilith furrowed her eyes in confusion, "What?"

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