~ T H I R T Y - E I G H T ~

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"What's happening out there?" A Hufflepuff asked during their Potions class.

Everyone turned their heads to the door leading out to the corridors. There were small explosions and the sounds of laughter and cheers erupting from outside. Lilith stood up from her seat, grabbing Draco's hand to go out with her and leaving behind their stuff on their desks. As she exited the classroom, she felt her eyes grow as wide as they possibly could while she covered her mouth with her hand to cover the gasp that was threatening to leave her mouth.

Harry was high up in the air on his broom staring down at Ginny, who was standing in the middle of the corridor, a shocked look displayed on her face. There were fireworks going off behind him, similar to the ones Fred and George used during Umbridge's stay at Hogwarts. The words, 'Will you marry me?' lit up with the sparks of the explosives.

"Oh, my God," Lilith let go of Draco's hand and ran to Ginny, "He's proposing!"

"Fuck, Lily, what am I supposed to do?" Ginny felt her friend stand next to her and turned to her.

"Say fucking yes, Gin!"

"But isn't it too soon? What if he falls out of love for me, or I for him," Ginny's eyes began to pool with tears, "What if we're not right for each other?"

"Stop it, Gin. You've had a crush him since you met him. Do you love him?"

"Of course I do, Lily!"

"And he loves you! What's keeping you from saying yes?"

Ginny wiped away the tears that were leaving her eyes and gave Lilith a quick hug, "Nothing," she mumbled. She ran to where Harry was hovering over and signaled for him to come down. When he got off his broom, he dropped it and ran to Ginny, kneeling down in front of her and taking out a small silver box from his pocket, opening it. Lilith couldn't see Ginny's face when she saw the ring, but Lilith figured she helped Harry choose the right one by the way Harry's smile grew when he placed it on her finger.

He asked again, and this time Ginny answered immediately, "Yes!" She yelled as she pulled Harry up and swung her arms around his neck.

"Hell of a sight," Lilith felt Draco stand behind her.

"Isn't it?"

"I was starting to think Potter wasn't ever going to find anyone," he hugged her from behind, bringing their bodies closer.

Lilith chuckled, "He's the only one who could stand her for the rest of his life. Good luck, Harry."


As the group of Slytherins and Gryffindors sat in the same table during lunch, Ginny showed off her ring to everyone she met. "Would you take a look at this rock?"

"It's gorgeous, Ginny!" Hermione cheered as she grabbed her hand and looked closer at the diamond in the center of the ring. It was a gorgeous 3 carat round sidestone engagement ring. It had even smaller diamonds placed on the sides of the ring.

Ron sat there, completely silent as he gulped nervously, "Let's not put any ideas into her head, yeah?"

"Relax, Ronald," Hermione rolled her eyes, "It's a bit too early to be thinking about that for us, don't you think?" Ron relaxed and nodded quickly.

Draco and Lilith chuckled to themselves when they saw the way Ron had become flustered, "I didn't take you for a gold digger, Weasley." Everyone's eyes snapped to Draco, "What?" He shrugged.

"You have to filter, Malfoy," Lilith glared at Draco.

"And you love me for it," he pecked her head.

"I'm not a gold digger. But if I have a rich man, who I love, give me an expensive and gorgeous ass ring, you bet your ass I'm gonna brag about it. I'd like to see you give Lily a ring," Ginny kept her eyes on her ring. Harry simply admired his fiance's face as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"I'd like to that know too, Malfoy," Lilith turned to look at Draco, "Do you ever plan on proposing?" She joked, knowing a proposal wasn't necessary for their arranged marriage.

"I— Have I not proposed to you yet?"

"Hmm, I don't—," Lilith chuckled as she brought her left hand up into view, showing her ringless hand, "No."

"Oh, well, that's coming."

Lilith turned to look at Draco at her side, "Right now?"

"No, I'm not gonna do it right now," he looked around the room, "That would be rather lame."

"Okay, so then, when?"

"Jones, I'm not gonna tell you," he rolled his eyes, "Hate to break it to you but that't not how it works."

Lilith chuckled, "Oh, right," she replied sarcastically.

"Wait, I'm serious," he turned her around to look at him, his hand resting on her cheek, "It's happening. And when it happens, it's going to kick your ass, Jones. So, stay sharp."

Lilith turned her head again, "I've been warned." She looked at her friends. Hermione and Ron were talking to each other, probably planning their next snogging session while Harry and Ginny stared at Lilith and Draco, smirks taking over their faces, "What?"

"Nothing," Draco replied for them.


At the end of the day, as they left the library with their books in hand and bags over their shoulders, Lilith and Draco walked towards the common room through the empty corridors, "Do you want to go out to eat dinner, Jones?"

"Yes," she replied, "But I kind of hate all of our regular places right now," she walked a couple more steps, unknowingly leaving behind Draco, "Oh, you know what? That one—," she turned to the side to look at Draco but found him kneeling down on the floor a little steps behind.

"Hey, Jones?" Lilith held her breath as she saw Draco kneeling down in front of her with his hands at his side and his eyes staring up at her, "Will you wait for me one second while I tie my shoe?"

Lilith stood in utter shock as a blank expression dominated her features, "I hate you," she turned away from Draco and continued walking without him.

"What? My shoe is untied, what is your problem?" He chuckled as he finished tying his shoe and stood up to catch up with her, "Oh, my God! You though I was— Oh!"

"Oh, oh!"

"No, no," he locked arms with her.

"How could I have thought that? How could I have thought that?" Lilith giggled, intertwining her fingers with his.

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