~ T H I R T Y - F O U R ~

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"Close your eyes," Draco whispered, leading her out the common room.

"Where are we going?" She asked, closing her eyes.

"Just close your eyes and let me lead you," Draco reached for her hand and steadied Lilith from her back. As Draco led them out of the school, Lilith heard the sound of lightning piercing the sky. "Alright."

Lilith peeled her eyes open and in front of her was the Quidditch field and two brooms laying on the ground. "What's this?"

"I figured since Quidditch was cancelled this year, we might as well have a little fun with what's left of the field," Draco walked over to pick up the brooms.

"We're going to get in trouble."

"Only if we get caught," Draco handed her the broom and settled on his.

Lilith took the broom and looked up at the clouds, and noticed their grey color, "It's going to rain soon."

"Scared to get a little wet?" Draco mocked her and rode his broom into the air, soaring above her by a couple of feet.

"I can ride a broom better than you can."

"Then prove it."

Lilith swung her leg over the broom and steadied her bottom on the broom. Luckily she had worn pants—for the first time in a while—since she noticed how cold it was going to be. She steadied herself and took off into the air, levitating besides Draco.

Draco moved closer to her and placed a kiss on her temple, "Let's see who's faster," he distracted her and started flying away.

"I fucking hate you," she yelled, frustration emitting from her facial expression.

"Catch up, Jones!"

Lilith started flying and leaned forward so she could go faster. As every second went by, she was getting closer to Draco. When she finally caught up, she gave him a mocking smile and leaned forward even further so she could be ahead of him. The thunderstorm was getting worse and the lighting was getting louder. Distracted by each other and trying to beat the other, Draco and Lilith payed no attention until rain started to fall.

Draco stopped abruptly and looked up, "Jones, the rain's too heavy."

She stopped, looking back at him, "What?"

Draco pointed to the sky and Lilith looked up, shielding her eyes from the rain entering them. "We're too far from Hogwarts now."

Draco looked around, trying to find a refuge for them until the rain died down. He pointed downwards, "There."

Lilith looked down and saw a small cottage, almost invisible from all the trees surrounding it. She flew down as everything was becoming blurry from the mix of rain and wind entering her eyes. As she approached the ground, Lilith tried to keep her balance on the broom, but she didn't noticed the rock that her broom would hit if she didn't move to the right. Consequently, her broom tripped on the rock, causing her to fall off and land on the ground, her knee clashing with the dirt.

"I guess you're not as good as you thought in broom riding," Draco said as he descended from his broom and made his way to her.

"Not the time," she groaned in pain.

Draco let out a chuckle before he knelt down on the ground beside her and inspected her knee, "We need to clean this up before it gets infected."

"What a great date you planned for us, Malfoy," she said as she looked at her knee again. Draco took the opportunity to scan her face as the rain continued to fall on her body. Her hair was soaking wet at this point, causing it to appear like she only had a couple of strands of very think brown hair. Her green eyes appeared more clear as the water neared them, causing her to close them.

"How was I supposed to know the rain was going to be this bad? Do you think I specialize in the weather, Jones?"

"No, but if you did, I'm sure a lot of people would get hurt," Lilith watched as the rain fell down his face. Whenever it got too close to his eyes, he would close them and blink quickly. And whenever the rain would get too close to his lips, he would either blow on the drops to move to another side of his face or he would stick out his tongue to lick the drops away.

"Whatever. But you have to admit this was a pretty good date before the rain ruined it," he smirked at her.

"Just get me inside," Lilith demanded, rolling her eyes at him.

"So demanding," he stood back up and grabbed her broom from the ground, walking towards his and picking it up too. He quickly ran to the small cottage, opened the door, and threw the brooms inside.

Draco made his way back outside to Lilith and once again knelt down on the ground. He snaked his arm around her shoulder and lifted her legs with his other arm, standing up and carrying her bridal style towards the cottage. Lilith held onto his neck as he walked them inside and put her head on his chest to keep the rain from hitting her face.

Draco walked inside and set her on a fairly large bed inside the small cottage. As Lilith looked around the room, she wondered how so much furniture could fit inside a tiny space. There were two couches on either side of the room, a kitchen big enough to fit three people, a bathroom on the side, and the bed she was laying on. And then she remembered. Magic. Merlin, she loved magic.

Draco took out his wand from his black jacket he was wearing, whispering the Hot Air charm to warm her up, and then he did the same to himself.

"We need to get out of these clothes," he said as he began to take off his jacket.


"Do you want to get sick, Jones?" He asked her and she shook her head slightly, "Then take them off."

Lilith stood back up and groaned from the stinging pain in her knee. Draco turned around and looked down at her knee. The blood was rushing down her pants and it began to dry from the charm he had performed earlier.

"Sit down," he said and she complied, taking a seat on the bed and extending her leg.

Draco's fingers wandered around her knee as he inspected her injury. He stood up and walked to the bathroom to grab wet paper towels and some water. When he returned, he sat down on his knees as he placed the wet paper towel on her cut, making Lilith suck in a breath. Draco stopped and looked at her, waiting for her reassurance to keep going. When Lilith slowly nodded her head, Draco continued to clean her.

The way he was carefully healing her and taking care of her made Lilith feel a certain type of warmth in her core. He was keeping a piercing stare on her knee as he made sure to not hurt her further, his wet fair falling on his forehead and his teeth biting down on his lip as he stayed concentrated.

"Jones," he cleared his throat, looking up at her through his thick lashes, "You won't be able to take your clothes off by yourself. You need someone else to help you."

It was definitely not the ideal moment for any type of extraneous activity, but since when were Draco and Lilith the type of people to care about what to do and what not to do?

She smirked at him as her eyes turned a dark shade of green filled with lust, "Then help me."

Draco scanned her body before looking back up at her, his fingers trailing higher and higher up her leg, "Be careful what you ask for, Jones."

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