~ S E V E N T E E N ~

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"What's going on here?" Lilith walked into the kitchen with a dress on, wanting to grab a glass of water before she walked back up to her room. When she walked in, she saw Draco and Maya working together to bake yet another pie, like the one Lilith and her sister had made a couple days back.

Draco was wearing black sweats, a green sweatshirt, and an apron, which made Lilith try and hold back a laugh.

Maya was standing on a stool, trying to keep her balance as she put a chef's hat on Draco's head. "What does it look like we're doing, Jones?"

Lilith and Draco talked for about an hour after what happened last night and they agreed to not talk about it whenever Maya was around. He promised he wouldn't bring it up unless she was comfortable with it, to which Lilith smiled and nodded.

"We're baking another pie." After placing the chef's hat on Draco's head, Maya got down carefully, "It was his idea," she pointed out, "He wanted to make up for the other pie, and today was his chance since he's leaving today." Draco grabbed the finished pie and gave it to Maya to place inside the oven. The oven was not on yet so Maya wouldn't get burned, "Can I go play now?"

"Yeah, go ahead. Malfoy and I will clean up here," Lilith suggested as she walked inside, forgetting the real reason she had gone to the kitchen in the first place.

Maya smiled at her sister but stopped walking before leaving the kitchen, and turning to the two Slytherins, "Are you two together?" Draco raised his head to look at Maya and Lilith did the same but with wide eyes, "You're always smiling at him," she pointed to her sister, to which Draco let out a really?, "And you're always staring at her," to which Lilith huffed, "But you look cute together," and Maya left without saying another word.

"What a special kid," Lilith chuckled.

"And very observing. You're always smiling at me, Jones?"

"Well, apparently," Lilith walked to the pans that had been on the table and grabbed them to put them in their place, "And are you always staring at me?"

"Apparently," he raised a brow and turned the oven on.

Draco and Lilith began cleaning up, not speaking to each other. Their silence was comforting, though, since Lilith and Draco had grown their trust in each other.

Draco hadn't been paying attention to what he was doing—completely lost in his thoughts. "Wait, wait, Malfoy, don't."

Lilith exclaimed as Draco grabbed the bag of flour by the side and had accidentally titled it. As soon as Draco saw the flour falling out, he grabbed the tip of the bag and moved it up, causing some of the falling flour to spray onto his face and sweatshirt. Lilith immediately started laughing when she saw Draco's eyes, neck, and sweatshirt covered in the white substance.

Wiping the flour off his eyes, he snapped at Lilith, "Think that's funny, do you?" Draco reached into the bag of flour, grabbed it, and threw it in Lilith's direction.

She gasped, "You complete arse, Draco Malfoy," her eyes narrowed as she ran over to him and grabbed the bag from him, reaching in and throwing more on him. This time his hair was covered in the substance, some falling down to his face.

His jaw clenched, his eyes glared at her, and his nostrils flared, "You bitch," he started running after Lilith around the kitchen, trying to pry the bag from her hands to pour the flour on her, but Lilith was fast to move away from him and run away.

Lilith ran out the kitchen and up the stairs into her room with the bag clutched to her chest. She got into her room and tried to close the door but a hand and foot stopped her door from fully closing. Draco was at her door, the flour now on his pants too since he was running. His eyes were still narrowed at her and a smirk grew on his face when he managed to open the door and step into her room. The bag was now behind her back as she moved away from the door since Draco was already inside. He was blocking her way out and she didn't know what to do, "Stay there," she warned with a small smile.

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