~ T W E N T Y - O N E ~

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After Draco and Lilith's activities, they made their way downstairs and to the dining room. Every time Lilith thought she was getting closer, Draco would grab her arm and pull her to another hallway. Their house was huge, far more grand than Lilith's manor.

When they finally reached the dining room, they entered and found Narcissa sitting on one end of the table. "I'm so glad you finally made it. How are you finding your stay, Lilith?"

"I'm very much enjoying my stay," she glanced at Draco, who was trying to hide his smirk.

"Draco, dear, please help Winky bring out the food. He has prepared quite a big lunch for us today."

"Yes, mother," Draco excused himself with a small nod to each witch.

"Lilith, please, sit." Narcissa gestured to the seat next to her.

Lilith smiled at her and walked over to the chair. She pulled it out and took a seat. As she sat down, she was greeted with the intoxicating smell of blueberry scones. Lilith hadn't eaten all day so she was tempted to take one, but it wasn't her home, so she wouldn't.

"Please, take one." Narcissa caught her eyes and grabbed the tray of scones and extended it towards Lilith.

Lilith grabbed one and took a bite, "Merlin, these are amazing."

"Thank you, dear," Narcissa chuckled, "I made them myself."

"Really?" Lilith set the scone down on the small plate in front of her and patted her mouth dry with the napkin on the table.

"Yes. I need to do something around this house or else I'll go insane." Lilith chuckled, relieved that Narcissa wasn't as strict or judgemental as her own mother. "You know, Draco has talked about for quite some time."

"What?" Lilith felt a smile growing on her face. "He wrote to you about me?"

"Yes, ever since you were in your first year." Narcissa smiled, bringing her teacup to her mouth and taking a sip.

"Do you mind if I ask what he told you about me?"

"Well," Narcissa cleaned her mouth with a pat from her napkin, "He used to write to me complaining about how you would get the higher score in Potions without even trying, how he hated the way your hair would block his view of the front of the classroom, how he detested you were a better seeker than he was, and," Narcissa tilted her head, thinking back, "Oh yes! He wrote to me once to let me know how ridiculous you looked in your red dress from Yule Ball."

"I would just like to say that the red dress I wore was absolutely stunning," Lilith said, disregarding everything else Narcissa had told her.

"Yes, I think he thought that too."


"Well, you see, Lilith, I recall a conversation I had that winter break when he was here at the manor. It went something like," Narcissa recalled the moment and told Lilith all about it.

"Son, how was the Yule Ball?"

Narcissa and Draco were sitting in their sitting room on opposite couches as Narcissa read a copy of that day's Daily Prophet and Draco wrote something in a small and leather notebook.

"I couldn't enjoy it, mother. I could only see Jones in the mess of people in the Great Hall. Why would she wear red?" He raised his gaze from his book to her and tilted his head. "It's Gryffindor's colors, and besides, it doesn't suit her."

Narcissa shrugged and Draco returned to writing, "What do you mean you could only see her, Draco?"

Draco was too focused on his own thing to completely process each question he was asked. Usually when he was asked something, especially by his mother, who he knew always wanted to dig further into his personal life, he would take a couple of seconds to think of an answer that would not compromise his actual thoughts. However, this time, his mind was too occupied to think about a response.

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