Chapter 11

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I grab the pen and paper from my glovebox and write the note. I put it in the pocket of my jeans then I send a quick text to Jack I will text him one more time before I do it. I find a country road ans sit for a while thinking. Im going to die anyway do I really want to go through the pain again? Do I want to die in a fog? Oh, How about meeting this guy that I have dreams about only to be ripped from the world that he lives on. Not only that imagine the greiving he will go through after he meets me? This will resolve alot, no one will fight, my ex-parents don't have to spen the money anymore, my mom can go back to work and not have to take care of me the only thing she will have to do is plan a funneral. I grab my phone and text Jack the adress.

"Breath, it will be better with out me, hey at least im not going out a virgin." I say before pushing the gas petal all the way down heading for a tree.



Oh my god what am I going to do. Why would she do this, mabye I read it wrong, quickly I reread it.

Tink: I'm sorry about your friend, hope he makes it. But listen you won't have to fight with him anymore I promise. This is my good bye Jack, don't you dare cry this is a good thing, this way I won't feel the pain that I had before. Jack I have to tell you something or I will feel guilty forever, last night I had sex for the first time with one of my friends, it kinda hurt to know that he didn't care and it was revenge on his girlfriend but I was thinking about you the whole time, I realised that I fell in love with someone over the internet, corny right? I didn't think that we would ever have met or that you wanted to meet me, I always hoped my first time would be with you,  Yeah and I know that it wouldn't have been your first time but it would have been special for me to do it with someone that I loved.  Then you called, I felt so bad, and how heart broken I was to know that I would see you soon. Anyways my sister should be calling you soon just tell her the adress that I send you so they can find my body. Thank you for being there, I don't think I would have made it this far with out you, and I would have done anything if I could to take back what I did last night. I truly love you Jack Barakat!

"What the hell am I supost to do!" I whisper to myself. A nurse walks in, I sit alone because Matt had to go get coffee in order to stay awake. The nurse walks up to me now.

"Excuse me are Jack Berricka?" She has trouble reading my name.

Yes, I'm jack BARAKAT." I say putting emphasis on my last name.

"Um yes your friend Alex," she says looking though her charts to find his name. "He is stable, but he is still sleeping. If you want you can visit we just don't know when he will wake." She says.

"Yes yes, I want to see him." I say about to cry. She leads me into the hall and points down to the very last room.I quickly send a message to Matt telling him the news and the room number. I exit out of my conversation with Matt and see the message from Brook. When is her sister going to call, she fucking said goodbye! I walk into Alex's room and sit in the chair next to the bed, I notice his arm is hanging off of the bed so I reach out and put It back on his chest. Then my phone rings, I fumble with it as I leave the room and answer it quickly while looking back at Alex and making sure that he is asleep still.

"Hello?" I whisper while sliding down to the floor to sit.

"Hi is this Jack?" Says an excited voice from the other end.

"How did you get this number?" I ask not in the mood for fans that have somehow found my number. 

"Hi this is Blondie!" Says the girl on the other end.

"As in Brooks sister?" I ask after a couple of seconds.

"Yeah, Im calling to-" I cut her off.

"Listen im going to text you an adress that you will find your sister at, you need to hurry she- there is something wrong." I forward the text to her with out getting off of the line. I hear her run out of the place with her keys jingling and her breath heavy.

"Can you promise me you won't hang up on me, I need to know what is happening." I say about to cry again. I have cried alot for this girl.

"Yes Jack but I don't know if I will be the one talking the whole time." She tells me while I hear her car stop on the gravel road and the car door open then slam shut.

"What is happening? Is she okay? Blondie, please tell me what happend." I hear her burst into tears and a thud, did she just fall to the ground? Then someone else talks.

"Hello, who is this?" Questions a man.

"Im Jack. Who am I speaking to?" I ask.

"This is sherif  Barnes. What relation do you have with this young lady?" He questions me again.

"Im Brook's friend- boyfriend." I change my mind hoping he would tell me more.

"Well Jack your friend BrookLynn Louise has been in an unfortunate car accident. She was on a dirt road and swerved in to a tree head on." He says in an apolagetic voice.

"Oh my god!" I cry

"The good news is we came soon enough to get her in the ambulance, but I havent heard anything new." He tells me.

"Okay, can you do me a favor?" I ask not knowing what to do with myself.

"Yeah, sure anything!" He says as if its a relief.

"Take that young lady that you took the phone from to her dorm. Get her roommate to take her to the hospital where they took Brook." I tell him to look into the car windshield to see the dorm number.



It was not what I expected. You know the dying part. During the crash I hit my head against the steering wheel and the seatbelt must have broken my collar bone because I heard a snap and a seering pain in my left shoulder. The front end crushed the front of the car, my legs were bleeding really bad. After a couple of minutes of agony I felt really loose. I floated out of the car and saw my body laying in the drivers seat in ruines. I hear a blaring siren from the road that I came from, it was an ambulance. "No!" I scream trying to tell them that this was supost to happen and not to save me. It didn't work they cut the door off and pulled my lifeless body onto the gourney then rushed me into the ambulance that was parked on the road. As soon as the ambulance was getting ready to leave the sherif's car pulled up and talked to the EMT. After they were done talkling the ambulance left with my body and the sherif went to the car and wrote down information. I try to talk to him but he isn't noticing me. I turn around and try to leave but I stop when I see my sisters car pull up, she runs out and is talking to someone on the phone, no I don't want to see this, this is why I tried to leave dont you understand? She crashes on her knees before the mangled mess of my car and tries to ask questions to the sherif. He doesn't follow so she hands the phone to him. Then Im pulled away from the car crash and in to a white space that is very bumpy. People are yelling around me and Im so much more tired than I was a second ago. I look directly infront of me to see a guy holding paddles in his hand. "No, no, no, no." I mumble to the lady telling me that the pain is temperary. Im trying to tell her to let me die, this wasn't an accident! But I hit a black wall and fall asleep.

My soldier in Neverland (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now