Chapter 5

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It's halloween night and my friend Morgan and I are getting dressed up for a halloween party. I Pull on my blonde wig styling it into a bun and put put my special green eyeshadow on, then I pull on the green dress, as im ajusting my boobs in the tight sparkly top I felt a bump. I run my fingers back over it picturing my ice cold cousin in her casket, I must have been screaming because Morgan is banging on the door, oops I forgot I locked it. I would open it but im frozen and can't move, some how she finds enough strength to kick it in. l'm In a ball pushed in the corner. She doesn't see anything wrong until I take her hand in mine and run it over the bump. She looks into my green and black streaked face, tears run down her face as she tries to talk to me but im absent in my own thoughts.

"Brook talk to me, It might be nothing come on...."

She somehow gets me out of the tight ball im in and puts me in her brand new car, the car she isn't allowed to drive yet she has her learners permit and needs a parent, but they are out tonight. 

"Morgan you shouldn't be doing this." I say blankly. She looks at me like im mental, tears still running down her face, but mine have stoped I don't know how but they have.


Im in the hospital that Morgan brought me to, it takes me a while but I answered a lot of questions about anything and everything,  they couldn't touch me because they didn't have parents concent. I try to call my mom and dad, but they don't answer, Im in the hospital for two days until I get a call from my dad, he is wondering why im not in school, infact he is screaming at me. I don't even say hi I just give the phone to Morgans parents. They have been so nice, they have been looking after me while im in the hospital.

Lindsey, Morgans mom, explains to them what is happening. Lindsy doesn't know but I hear my father say that this is my fault. My parents tell the doctors that they can do what ever it is they had to do. I was out raged they left me there for two days, all I could think about was if  I would end up like my cousin, Alice.

That night the doctors poked and prodded at the lump. Then a couple of more days they came back with my new. I had breast cancer. That Image of Alice floats through my mind her snow white skin highlighted by her favorited pale blue sun dress, she was being engolfed by that gray casket. Why gray I thought on that day, why not her favorite color, purple. My parents were out of town that weekend I had to stay with my Aunt, Alices mother. I realised they will never be there for me, they aren't even here to  hear the news of what could be the end of me.

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