Chapter 24

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This morning we had to wake up at five so we could get into town in time for my apointment, I feel like a zombie even though I have honestly done nothing for the past few weeks and I went to bed early last night. I can't concentrat on driving and almost hit a car passing me, the driver flips me off and from what I can tell doesn't know how to properly cuss.

"Do you want me to drive?" A hungover Morgan asks me.

"No I think that you would have more trouble than I am." I push back in my seat trying to get feeling back in my num butt.

"Damn I wish I had brought my glasses." She rubs her head and tries to pull her hood past her forehead.

"Well I wish I didn't have to wear this mask!" Jess yells at Blondie, Blondie presses on her temples.

"I am sorry Jess." I look at her in my rearview mirror.

"I just don't want to take chances. You have been throwing up on and off this week." She takes her makeup bag out of her bag.

"Fine Ill just make the best of it." She draws big red lips on her blue mask which makes me smirk.

"Ill visit a doctor when we get to the hospital." She talks through her red lips. I give her a thumbs up and a few minutes later we are in a gas staion waiting for Blondie to get back from the store with sunglasses. I get a call while I am putting gas in the car, I thought it was just my neighbor that was watching Midnight because Jack and everone else would be taking off in a plane by now. "Hello?" I ask the caller.

"Hey Tink." It's Jacks voice but he never calls me Tink unless he has bad news.

"Jack is everything okay I thought you were on a plane?" I walk away from the car after knocking on the window so Jess would know.

"Yeah, we just got boarded." He says and I can tell he is stressed.

"Wait arent you suppost to be in the air by now?" I ask trying to recalculate the time it will take him to get here.

"It was delayed." He pushes out a frustrated breath.

"Oh, no no its okay." I try to think about what to say.

"Im sorry, I know I told you that I would be there."

"It's fine I kinda signed up for the delays and tours and stuff." I punch my leg so I won't cry.

"Woah you didn't sign up for my life style." He tries to tell me.

"No but its okay we will figure something out when we get to the hotel." I hang up disapointed in my self for being such a bitch. I walk back and see Jess in the drivers seat, I don't argue and I get in the back cuddling up with the blanket that was on the floor, I am quickly soothed by the wooshing sound of the tires moving over the road and the soft jostles and bumps in the road. I am nudged by soft hands I barely open up my eyes and see Jess over me. "My turn to drive?" I ask shooting to an up right position.

"No silly we are here." She pulls my hands and I am on my feet standing in the round about next to the hotel doors.

"How much time until my apointment?" I ask even though I have another question itching the back of my throat.

"I would say about an hour." She pushes me through the doors and puts me in a packed elevator.

"Any word from Jack?" I whisper feeling someones breath go down my spine.

"Um he has oddly been tweeting about his plane ride." I see a lightbulb go on above her head. "Wait isn't he suppost to be here for your apointment?"

My soldier in Neverland (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now