Chapter 18

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I slam the door and let the hot angry tears that had built up over dinner spill out, I don't exactly know what I was doing while I was crying, I remember pulling at my hair alot and rubbing my eyes until I saw little black splotches. Suddenly the car pulls over on the dirt shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I ask Jack.

"Lets get out." Jack says while slaming the door behind him.

"What?" I say as he passes by the headlights I notice that he has wet splotches on his cheeks. He comes around and opens my door roughly.

"I said get out." He runs his hand through his hair, I know that he doesn't want to be rough but for what he is planning it must be nessesary. He grabs my wrist and pulls me into a hug. I don't retrun the hug.

"This won't help." I speak into his shoulder.

"I know." He steps back. "Scream." He says gentely.

"What?!" I ask with more tears now because he must think I am crazy.

"I said scream!" He looks frustrated after I don't do it. "I know, your life sucked! He is a fuck up and an unconsiderate asshole! Any one can see that, but you, you had to go through that fuck up! He didn't care about you! Your first boyfriend ditched you when you got sick!" He yells pointing in the direction that we just came. "Don't cry over that screw up any more, I want you to scream out what ever emotion you have left over from him!"

He is right. I look down at the boot the doctor put on me and I unfold my arms from around my chest and ball up my fists. As I scream I think about mine and Jason's relationship and realise that it is nothing compared to what me and Jack have, I don't think that it even counts as a relationship. The last scream turns into Jack's name and he comes over to me patting my back fumbling to do something else. He lifts my chin and kisses me, I recognise these lips from my dream the dream with the faceless man that soon turned into his face. I kiss him back until I get cold.

"Lets go into the car." Jack says with a smirk, and my stomach dropped. "Whatswrong?" Jack thinks he upset me.

"Nothing, its stupid." I say looking at my boot.


"No its not stupid." I say knowing what she is thinking. "You know that you died right?"

"What?" She seems confused.

"You died in the ambulance on your way to the hospital." I explain.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well I think of it as you being born again. And as cheesy as this going to sound you basicly got your virginity back." I say with a smile.

"Its still not the same." She sounds frustrated.

"Why does it matter? I lost mine years ago, why is it so important to you?" I hug her.

"I know that you did but..." I come out of the hug and look into her blood shot eyes.

"It's okay. We don't have to. Are you okay now?"I question hugging her again.

"Yeah. Sorry." She whips her tears and walks back to the car. I stand there for a moment trying to accept her apology because that is what she wants me to do. I walk back and see her give me a shy smile when I pass through the head lights. When I get in the car and start it up she grabs my arm and rests her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her shoulder and let her head rest on my ribs.


When I'm laying on Jack I listen to his steady breathing and trying not to creep on the smile reflected from his face to the mirror. I think of how much I had missed Jack when I realize that he shouldn't be home until late tomorrow night.

My soldier in Neverland (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now