Chapter 3

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When I reach the locker room I quickly open my locker get my gray skinny jeans, my black and red BONER t-shirt and my black converse with purple ribbons for shoe laces, and my JAGK hoodie. I pull all of that on and hide in the showers until the girls pile in,or so I thought, I make a run for it but the bitch Emily stops me. I guess everyone else wasn't let out yet, it was just me her and her clones, CJ and Mckenna.

"Damn." I whisper

"What do you have a problem?" bitches Emily.

"No." I whisper I just want to get out of there with out getting hurt.

"Why did you skip PE, did you go and cut yourself again?"

How did they know, I was so careful. 

"No I had a panic attack." I answer plainly.

"Wow you probably paniced because you saw a guy naked when you walked into the wrong locker room." Her and her clones laugh.

I kept quiet while they went on. Somehow I end up on the floor, I just close my eyes and let them get there frustration out on me.


When they are done I ame coughing up blood and holding my bruised face. At least this is my last class of the day so I run out the doors before people see me. I get to my car get my first aid kit out and do what I can.

As I pull up to the hospital I try and come up with a story that I can tell the nurse. Got it. It's also what I will tell my parents when they come to town this weekend and visit me. I lock my car and walk up to the sliding doors. The nurse notices me right away and tells me to sit in a wheel chair. I tell her what happend.

"I was walking to the grocery store when someone grabed me and just kept kicking me in the stomache." I said bluntly. She beleived me.

The doctors help me and i'm out in no time.



I'm sitting on the couch watching Home Alone hoping that it will cheer me up. Alex walks in and has a sad look on his face.

"Oh no." I whisper heart broken.

"I'm sorry Jack." Alex said

I can't think straight, then my stomache churns. I run to the tiny bathroom and throw up. Rian comes in and holds some of my hair back.

"Thanks mommy." I say groggily 

"I know you don't want to hear it but she will forgive you Jack."

"I know i'm just being silly, but its like she is hanging by a thread, if she hates me after this and doesn't want to talk I can't get her back I don't even have her number."

My soldier in Neverland (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now