Chapter 28

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Sitting next to the door of the bathroom I twirl the key around in my hand. How mad is she going to be when I pull her out of there and try to explain? Alex walks in and slides down the wall across from me then puts his feet up against mine.

"What is your plan?" He whispers.

"She can't sleep in there, no she is going to get a virus or something." My anger flares just thinking about who has done this.

"So are you going to get the restraining order now?" He lifts his bushy eyebrow, I expect a smirk but it doesn't evolve.

"I don't get it Alex!" I shoot up and throw my fist against the wall he is up against.

"Dude, calm down you are going to wake her up, then you will miss your chance." He makes his way up the wall then grabs my shoulder.

"Why is she doing this? I know for a fact that she isn't crazy, so why?" It has been running through my mind for the past few hours.

"What you have never seen it? She likes you, she got a taste of you and now she wants more Jack." He shrugs his shoulders as if he had solved it all.

"Yeah I know, I am getting the restrant in the morning. You know what she tolled me when I yelled at her?" I unlock the door slowly and Alex raises his eyebrow in question. "I can wait for a few more months until its over." I mimick the brat's voice and then remember the other thing. "Oh yeah she isn't leaving until I tell her that I love her." Alex and I take Brook carefully into the living room and lay her on the couch.

"Her clothes are soaking wet." Alex mentions.

"Yeah, go get Cass, I will get her pajamas." I remember her favorite sweatpants and shirt from the hotel.

"Wait, why do we need Cass?" Alex hesitates by Rians door.

"You don't get to see my girlfriend naked dude." I slightly jog up the steps, I don't want Brook left alone for long.

Opening the door I ignore the witch that is happily watching tv in my bed and head for the makeshift hamper that is the corner of the room.

"What, did the baby have an accident?" She comments like she is talking to her toy poodle. All my anger boils in my head making my blood pound in my ears. "Oh come on Jacky you have to talk to me some time." She ruffles the sheets and comes towards me, I catch her by the arms before she can hug me.

"You know I don't think that I like the nickname Jacky, but I think I have found the perfect pet name for you." I say as sweetly as possible, then throw her arms down to her sides. " Fucking psycho bitch!" I put a lot of energy into that scream just so I can see her eyes pop out or her fake eyelashes. "Oh yeah we have an appointment with the cops in the morning." I say on the way out of the door.

"She still want to stay over?" I meet Rian, who is half naked, on the otherside of the door.

"Dude put a shirt on its not a contest, and yes she isn't going to leave until tomorrow morning when I bring her to the police station. Shit I forgot something." I go back in, past the the crying princess and into the bathroom.

"What are you looking for?" Rian is shocked from what he saw in the bedroom.

"Alex needs to sleep, he hasn't since like the night before we got home from the airport." I answer.

"Really? Arn't you suppost to call his doctor if he hasn't slept for 48 hours?" He scratches his back.

"Yeah I did, they gave him a prescription for sleeping meds today." I take the bottle out of the medicine cabinet and put it in the layers of clothes.

My soldier in Neverland (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now