Chapter 14

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After my appointment with my doctor I call my sister and tell her I get to go home, she tells me that she would hurry over and get me. When she finaly gets there she bursts into the room and sees me waiting in a wheel chair with the clothes that she brought for me a couple of days ago, behind me is the nurse that carried me everywhere in the hospital. She talks to him and fills out the release papers so that I could go, when she is done I glare at her. 

"Whats wrong with you grumpy pants?" She asks as she wheels me out of the hospital and to her car.

"Short shorts, really?" I ask squinting my eyes at her in disaproval.

"Well I was planning for the weather." She says with a shoulder shrug.

"You do know that I haven't been able to shave my legs for like the past week right?" I ask now squinting at the sun. 

"Well I didn't factor that in." She is mad at herself now. I have something else to tell her but the nurse that carries me everywhere is still following so that he can put me in the car. When we get there he slides me into the passanger seat with ease. 

"Thank you." I say meaning it for every thing that he has done for me.

"Of course, now are you going to be able to get out and into your wheel chair?" He asks.

"Yes I have been practicing." I tell him with a proud smile.

"Okay, well you two have a good day." He waves and runs back to the hospital.

"Yeah since you didn't bring sweatpants he had to help get my shorts on, thanks." I glare at her while she bursts out laughing. At somepoint I fall asleep during the hour drive and I blame my therapist for it. My dream is me floating up above the car reck and feelingvery free and not a care in the world until I see the ambulance... then I am sucked back to real life. But I am not in the car I am in my soft bed that I missed so much. Wait how did I get here Blondie isn't strong enough to carry me. I start feeling around my bed with my eyes still closed. I hear a chair creek next to my bed and then the door shut softly so I flip over to see it empty, huh why did she leave so quick. I see the wheel chair next to my bed so I catapult my body into it and roll to the door and into the kitchen to get some water for my scratchy throat when I find the bottle in the fridge and take a drink I scream for my sister.

"BLONDIE!" I start to roll to the cupboard and realise that I can't reach the cereal.

"Blondie I need food." I moan. I hear her come in behind me.

"Finally god I'm starving and need something other than watery mashpotatoes." I moan as I spin around to find no Blondie.

"Hi Tink." I see one of the strange man/boys from the graduation standing behind me then I match the voice to the one on the phone.

"Jack?!" I scream. I bet he is confused as about what type of scream that was because I can't even figure it out. 

"Um, I know that you wanted your sister but she went with Alex to get your favorite supper." He says very shy with his hands in his pockets his eyes avoiding mine and his shoulders purked up to his ears.

"Jack!" I try to jump up and hug him but I forget that I am in a wheel chair and fall to the floor.

"Oh my god! I told her she shouldn't have left me with you alone!" He freaks out as I try to get up with my one arm.

"Stop your going to hurt yourself." He rolls me over carefully and then puts one hand under my knees and the other arm just below my shoulder blades. When he touches me I notice how warm he is and how cold I am. I wonder if he is really hot or if I am really cold. He answers my question.

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