Chapter 12

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"Jack." I hear my name as the police officer hangs up on me. I turn and peak my head into Alex's room.

"Alex?" I look at his confused face and walk twoards him.

"Jack Im sorry." I he tells me when I kneel next to him.

"No Alex you have nothing to be sorry about. Im sorry, I wasn't paying attention to you."  I tell him putting my head on his open palm.

"No, this was an acident. You weren't supost to find out." He has tears in his eyes when I look at him. 

"Alex Its better that we find out so we can find help before it goes to far." I tell him hoping that it didn't sound insensitive.

"Jack I think learned my lesson." He says smiling and holding his wrist up.

"Alex this isn't funny. You need to see someone, someone that can help you." I gently put his wrist down and look into his eyes making sure he understands.

"Whatever, I don't want to go to therapy." He says rolling his eyes.

"I didn't say you had to go to therapy. Just, mabye you need sometime off. And don't just go home alone, go see your parents." I tell him trying to compromise with him.

"Okay. When is this tour over?" He runs his fingers through his hair trying to think. 

"Uh Flyzik cancled the rest of the tour." I tell him hoping he wont be mad.

"WHAT!" He yells at me.

"He thought that-" Alex cuts me off.

"He cancled the rest of the tour because of me! Because I was stupid?! What about the kids, huh. They are going to bee so mad at me when they find out why its cancled." His face is red and he is making big frustrated hand gestures. 

"Alexander William Gaskarth, you need to calm down, Okay! The kids are fine they won't find out until you want them to or if you don't want them to its fine. Its like two or three smaller towns so he rescheduled the concerts and promised the kids meet and greets. One before the concert and one after." I make sure he is calmed by this before I call Matt. 

"Matt, Alex is awake." I tell him after three rings.

"Oh, okay Im on my way." I hear him rustle with papers.

"Matt, I have to leave." I tell him worried that Alex will hear, I step out of the room.

"What, why?" He sounds worried.

"Don't worry I will be back. I have to go see Brook." I try to think of a way to tell him.

"What! You do know that your best friend in the whole world needs you right now, right?" I yells at me.

"Brook got in a really bad car accident." I try to tell him with out crying. " I'm not going to leave right away, I have to talk to her sister before I leave, I will probably go tomorrow or the next day, as soon as Alex can leave and he is okay." I tell him ashamed of myself for leaving my best friend behind.

"Jack mabye you should take Alex with you."Matt suggests. 

"Thats a good idea Matt. I ll ask him if he wants to come." I tell him and then hang up.



I'm in a dream with the same faceless person as before, it's the exact same dream but it ended sooner than before. I wake up feeling weighed down and attached to the hospital bed. I open my eyes and see my sister sleeping in a wooden chair that seemed really stiff.

My soldier in Neverland (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now