Chapter 6

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The moment I realised that my parents were the scum of the earth I moved into Morgans house, they had an extra bedroom that became known as my "hospital away from hospital" . My cancer was not looking good it was in it's I guess you could say late stages, but they were going to try and save me anyways. I had to stop going to school at 15 because I had to be fully comitted to healing, My first chemo therapy took 4 hours, my ex parents wanted to come in with me but I put my foot down  and explained to them that they weren't allowed in any of my treatments or oncoming surgeries. The only person in the room with me was Morgan, she kept me happy and she always talked about my future in a positive way, she also told me stories and read books to me. The reason why I call her blondie now is because one of the drugs made me see funny things, even though her hair was black her hair looked bright blonde. I also let Jessica in for the first few treatments, but after a while I didn't want her to see me in the state I was in so I would talk toher on the phone.

On my last chemo treatment they wheeled the skinny gray body into the center, they had  told me before that I would gain weight back but not alot, I couldn't refer to it as my body any more I would call it the cancers body. I was in the bed and asked Blondie to turn some music on, she gladly played an album by a new band she called them All Time Low. I fell in love from the first song, what got me wasn't the singers voice, even though he was wonderful, it was the guitar that put me in a trance and laid me to sleep.


Even though my ex parents were paying for my treatments and everything Morgan's family was suffering from all of  the extra things like the electriciy bills from the medical equipment being hooked up 24/7, not to mention her mom got laid off for missing so many days cause she had to look after me. So blondie came up with the idea of a running team, people would race and donate. She came up with the team name Tinkerbell's Trinkets, that brightened my day up so much.

When the race finaly came I was in my green dress taylored to fit the cancers body, and the blond wig that fit much better now that my hair was gone. I made a joke about me and Morgan both being blondies now. She didn't really laugh but told me that I was way more beautiful with no hair, like a fresh start. From then on thats how I took it my cancer was a fresh start tomy new life.

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