❤The Vampire Roommate❤

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I'm not the best at publishing things so I might've forgotten I wrote this during the Valentine's week and forgot about it because of my benchmarks I had to do for my virtual classes, yeah, I suck

This was supposed to be a Valentine's Day special, I promise. However, I was busy the day before and after, and never had time to finish. So I went ahead and wrote this up so I could still publish it in the month of February hAhA

I can't explain much because I don't wanna spoil you. But basically, this is an AU where Ash is a Vampire leader looking for a mistress, and Serena is a sassy, fresh out of college weeb (Ik it sounds weird)

Also I think you've noticed this by now but chapters with hearts are basically (holiday) specials. The story is finished and I promise I'm working on SL2, however I thought it'd be fun if I did these little extra chapters to keep you entertained, if I succeed in it ofc .-.

(⚠️Warning: Strong Language⚠️)

Meet Ash Ketchum. The Supreme leader of a bloodthirsty, enormous, chaotic, supernatural vampire group. With his father deceased, Ash now has the chance to find himself a perfect partner.

Though, he'll have to turn her, of course.

And by turn, I mean, turn her into a vampire. As much as his vivacious pack has been turning humans for a while, this one has the utmost importance. You'd think, "He'll just find a random girl, right?"

Well, meet Serena Yvonne. A 21 year old who's spent the past year living in her apartment since she graduated college.

Serena also works full time at the bakery down her street, and earns a fair amount of money. She lives alone, no boyfriend, no kids, must be perfect for her, right?

Well, she has a...very odd...obsession. An obsession that even a vampire can't ruin for her.


Serena was watching her favorite anime in her room where she found herself at most peace

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Serena was watching her favorite anime in her room where she found herself at most peace. It was the weekend and also her only two days off, since she returns to work on Monday. Serena tries to take advantage of the weekend as much as she an.

By doing absolutely nothing but watch anime, eat, and sleep.

Eating candy and watching her favorite characters kiss each other whenever they could was no big deal to her. "How could anyone ruin this life for me?" She thought.

Well, the truth is, Serena didn't really care about anything except for her job and anime. So if a demon came crashing through her window, she didn't care about that either.

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