Battling For You, My Love

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(Better get ready bois this is gonna be a long chapter. Chapters are usually 1200 to 1700 words long so sit back, and enjoy)

Ash's POV

Alain, Sawyer and I are gonna go try to get Serena back. The girls are going to tell the Professor what's happening and hopefully everyone in the school will be safe.

All of us have already taken a train to Lumiose City overnight last night. That's where Team Flare and Serena currently are now. Which reminds me, we need to tell Clemont and Bonnie about this. The town is somewhat destroyed. Just like back then. Redness, vines, people running and screaming. The whole thing that makes it worse is that I'm missing my loved one to help us all aside this mess when we need it.

We're finally meters away from the Lumiose Tower when a vine rapidly shoots out of the ground.

"Sceptile, use cut!" Sawyer calls out. Sceptile cuts the vine in half, and though it's still up we manage to run and get away from it.

The siblings are standing outside of the Lumiose tower, waiting for us.

"You guys!" Clemont says, running up to us. "Have you heard what's been happening?"

We all nod. Bonnie looks around in confusion. "...W-Where's Serena?"

I look down and then look at Alain for him to say something. I don't wanna talk about what happened to Serena. At least not right now.

Alain bows his head and looks at the siblings. "Serena...was taken. By Team Flare. We came here to stop them and also get her back."

"Serena was TAKEN?!"

"Yeah. We're hoping we can get her back because they poisoned her into being on their side." Sawyer rubs his head."

A distant explosion goes off inside the tower. It shakes the ground.

"Clemont," I ask, "What happened?"

"They took over. Bonnie and I had to run before the inside was infected with machines and glowing red vines. We had made it outside before you came."

I look sternly at the Tower. "We need to get in. Serena could be in there."

I march towards the building but Alain grabs my shoulder and stops me. "Ash. Do you know what you're getting yourself into."

"Of course I do. Serena needs our help."

I look up at the tower. "She needs it now more than ever."

Bonnie looks down, sad. "I hope Squishy can come save us like he did last time.."

Clemont gets out a pokeball and sends out Luxray. "I'm gonna help too!"

I take Bonnie's hand and point at a nearby station. "Bonnie. That's where Some of the girls are right now."

I look up at Clemont. "It'd be okay if she was in some protection while we do this would it?"

Clemont nods. "Of course it would!" He turns to Bonnie. "I'll send out Bunnelby to keep her protected."

Bonnie and Bunnelby run to the station where I see them being greeted by Shauna. She nods at me, and I nod back at her. I turn back to everyone and tell them,

I'm ready.

To mention, the tower is super tall. Getting to Serena will be difficult. But I'm ready to go through it if it means I get to see her.

As soon as we get to the door, Clemont stops us. "Wait guys. Don't go through that door."

Alain looks confused. "Why not?"

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