Make Me a Promise, Ash

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Ash's POV

"You ever wondered how the fire started?"


"Ash, It couldn't have been Calem. Okay sure, he'll go out of his way to maybe kill someone."

"'Maybe'? Serena, you do remember what he did to you, right? Thank God I was able to escape or you would've just been left alone to die.."

"I mean..setting a whole school on fire? That's...terrorism on another level.."

"Serena. Let's just hope he doesn't know we're here. It sucks we left everyone.."

Serena chuckles. "Silly, it was your idea to come to Lumiose."

"Yeah, I know it was."

We stand there in silence for a moment. I really, really wanna tell Serena how I feel. And that I'll do anything to protect her. It's my promise. Serena needs help now and more than ever. If only Calem wasn't chasing us down, we wouldn't have to worry about what'll happen when we come back to school.

But I can't muster the courage to say anything. It might come out wrong. Or maybe I can't say anything at all. I might even get rejected. At least, if I can't tell her I love her...then I can at least tell her I'll do anything to protect her. Because I will. And I have.



Here I go. "I uh, just wanted to tell you that..."


"What is it Ash..?"


What is WRONG with me?! I can't say anything to her! Just do it! I've gotta make it obvious somehow..

"Ash? Maybe we should talk about it later..?"

"NO! No...I uh, just wanted to say that I..."

"...I wanna protect you."

Serena goes wide-eyed. "Protect me..? Why?"

"Because you need help, Serena!"


"Look. The truth is, I can't stand anything bad happening to you. You mean a lot to me and..I just can't help but worry that someone's chasing you down. So, I wanna protect you."

"...Ash..I should be apologizing."

"What for?"

"It's my fault that you've got into my relationship problems. Had I..not told you anything about Calem, this wouldn't be happening.."

"Are you crazy, Serena?! Had you not told me about Calem, he'd still be hurting you really bad, right?"

"Y-You're right.."

The both of us go silent again.



"If Calem's been the one to break your heart, let me fix it back for you."

"Ash? What're you saying?"


Just as I was about to answer, Bonnie pops out the door.

"Guys! There's fireworks going on outside! C'mon you gotta see!!"


"It's okay Clemont. We'll come see. C'mon Serena!"


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