Hang in There, Serena!

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Serena's POV

I don't really know how this plan stopped working. I was making a trail of glitter when I ran out. Calem stopped walking and called somebody while grabbing onto my wrist. A few moments later, a truck came. I was knocked out and I went black.

Until now, that is. I woke up in a tiny corner. And there's a door. This is a very familiar truck. Like the ones Team Flare used to drive.


I look around in the place I'm in. No windows, no nothing. I hope Ash can still find me because I ran out of glitter.

I can hear Calem talking just outside this door. He's talking to Lysandre, which I had found out is Calem's Dad. This isn't going to end well. I just hope I find Blue and we can get out of here.

Well, if Ash finds me.

Ash's POV

Tire marks?? What are tire marks doing here?

"They're at the same place where the glitter trail stopped." Alain says.

"...Should we follow it? We don't know if Serena's been here."

We all nod and run down the tire trail. We follow it until the trail stops at some kind of headquarters.

Alain gets a shocked look on his face. "No...it can't be..."

"Alain? You okay?"

"N-No...it's Team Flare...."

Sawyer and I go wide-eyed. How is Team Flare still up?? We never knew where Lysandre went after he was defeated by Zygarde. But we thought he'd never come back again. Looks like we've got more trouble to deal with.

"Wait." I paused. "What's Calem doing with Team Flare??"

Alain sighs. "Double trouble, I guess."

We sneak in through an open window. I haven't really seen Team Flare's headquarters yet, but I can tell you it doesn't look the same.

 I haven't really seen Team Flare's headquarters yet, but I can tell you it doesn't look the same

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Sawyer looks around. "Seems like it's an empty hallway."

"And the colors aren't the same." Alain says.

"And they've probably got new weapons."

I shake my head. "Guys enough about this. We need to find the girls."

Just as we start walking, we hear a shriek just down a few halls. Could that be Serena???

Blue's POV

So I bet you're wondering what's happening.

I remember being at school with the girls, running from Calem, and getting knocked out. Then I woke up in this strange room. It was dark and cold, with only one bed. A few minutes later Serena broke in. She told me about her plan and tried to call Ash, but a member of Team Flare caught us.

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