For Her

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I must've said the wrong thing...

Because Calem stepped up to me and before we knew it, we were standing chest to chest aggressively staring down at each other.

Calem repeatedly pokes his finger into my chest. "Listen man," he started up, "I know what you're trying to do to her. Keep your filthy hands away from my girl, got it??"

I pushed him back lightly. "YOU keep YOUR filthy hands away from her. She's not even your girlfriend anymore. You cheated on her. With another girl. And even though you have a girlfriend right now, you still want Serena back. So isn't that cheating on your current girlfriend right now?? You just can't stop cheating, can you??"

Calem paused, again, just like he did with Serena. Which probably meant I was right. "It's none of your business to know what my love life is like. Who knows, you might not even have one."
He snapped back.

"Maybe so, but in the end, I'm not busy cheating on people."

We were just on edge with each other when a shill voice appeared.
"Boys~? What are you doing?? Aren't you two supposed to be walking to you dorms??"

No, it's not Serena. It's Miss Aubrey, holding a bunch of paperwork in her arms that I guess she stayed afterschool to fill out. She had a happy look on her face, no clue what was going on. Or what was about go to on.
Me and Calem nodded at her and agreed to split ways. We took one final look at each other and walked away, not saying a word.
Serena's POV

I just saw what happened between Ash and Calem. This is all my fault. Or at least I feel like it is. Ash is my best friend, and now I've got him dragged into my relationship problems with my ex, he hasn't even had a girlfriend yet. Or, at least that's what I know...
I don't wanna deal with Calem anymore. That's what I came here for. To get a fresh start on myself and hopefully meet new people. Of course, meeting with my old friends is ecstatic. I was actually really happy to see Shauna and Miette today, even if I didn't look like it.

I sat against the wall beneath my window and quietly stroked Sylveon, who was calmly laying on my lap. Tears began to silently fall from my eyes. I just wanted all of this to end..
But I quickly wiped my face once I heard the dorm room open, which meant Ash was back.

I opened my door slowly, thinking he was going to be angry...but he wasn't.
Ash looked kind of..sad. I could tell he was ready to see me.

"Hey Ash..?"

"Oh, hey Serena."

"I...I saw what happened.."

Ash perked his head up at me. "You did?? Listen Serena, I-"

I hugged him before he could say anything else. I knew he didn't mean any harm. He was just trying to protect me, and I appreciate it.

"Serena..? What are you doing?"


"Thank you..."

"Thank you?? For what??"

"I know you were just trying to protect me from Calem, shows you care about me.."


"I do care about you. A lot."

My head perked up at him. "What?"

"I-I're welcome.."

Even though my face was inside his jacket, I smiled. I knew what he said. It's good to know I have someone to turn to when I'm down.

 It's good to know I have someone to turn to when I'm down

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*Time skip to AFTER dinner time*

Ash's POV

I'm literally fan-boying in my dorm room. I just had a heartfelt, warm, delicate hug with Serena. That's actually a nice word to call her. makes me chuckle everytime I think about it. 'Cause she is delicate. She's like a flower. Sweet, delicate, and pure..

I keep clutching my face while blushing my cheeks off. Serena is so cute. It sounds super weird coming from me, but I can't hide myself from saying the truth anymore. Honestly, I wanted to hug her forever. And ever. The words coming out my mouth mean so little compared to what's in my mind. I might sound a little addictive, but that's okay. I know some people have been in the same stage of liking someone at some point.

I get to working my only homework, Miss Aubrey's homework. It was to either draw a picture of yourself, someone else, or you AND someone else in the same picture. I don't know if I can really draw that good, but I work on it anyway. Serena knocks on my door.

"Ash?? Can I come in??"

"Sure, come in."

Serena steps inside holding a paper in her hand. "What do you think of my drawing for Miss Aubrey? It's the time from where I dressed up as Nurse Joy!"

 "What do you think of my drawing for Miss Aubrey? It's the time from where I dressed up as Nurse Joy!"

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(Alright I'll admit it this picture is SUPER adorable)

I don't know if this is kinda weird...but I blushed at the picture. It was cute. Everything about it was cute. Her hair, her outfit, the shine, it was all super adorable.

I showed her my drawing in response. It was a picture of me and Greninja.

We admired each other's drawings for about 5 minutes

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We admired each other's drawings for about 5 minutes. I have to admit, Serena's drawing looked a lot better and a lot more cuter by a mile.

Sleeping is kinda hard. Now that I know that Calem's going to be on my tail for probably the whole school year just sucks. But I can't let that put me down. Because I have someone to protect. Serena's always been there for me, and I've always supported her. But, it's gonna be a very long while until I tell her how I feel..

I can't let Calem put the both of us down. For now on I'm going to be more stronger. I gotta do it.

For her.

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