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Ash's POV

~°♡1 Month Later♡°~

Me and Serena have been in the Shalour hospital for about a month now. Kalos has slowly been coming back to normal since the incident with Team Flare. The best thing about it, is that we haven't seen or heard from Calem since!

Our wounds have slowly been healing up. Serena had to get surgery in her ankle because the bone inside it twisted once she and I made the fall. But thank goodness I wasn't in there to witness it. She's doing fine now.

It's also been a month since me and Serena confessed to each other. However we're not in a relationship. I haven't really insisted on it yet, but we would say our "I love you's" here and there and cuddle upon each other like we were in a relationship. I don't know. It just feels so weird.

We're in our hospital room resting in the same bed, since we get out tomorrow. I'm playing a video game on my phone and Serena's quietly resting next to me. She insisted on us sharing a room together and honestly, I just played along with it. School has started up without us so I wonder what'll happen when we get back. Speaking of which...

"Hey, Serena?" I nudge her lightly so she'd wake up.


"...What are we gonna do once we get out of school?"

The room goes silent for a moment.

"...I don't know, Ash. I really don't know. But I'd like to think about it."

"Would you like to go journeying with me again?"

"Just us Ash?"

"No- I mean...we could ask Clemont and Bonnie if they wanna go. I'm sure they'd like to."

Serena looks down at her leg sadly. She's got a cast on her ankle.

"Well...the thing is, I'd like to but...I can't really walk right now."

I frown. "But you'll have crutches."

"It's not that easy, Ash. I'll be slow to arrive where we go." Serena replied, giggling.

I look down for a moment and decide if maybe it's best if I just leave Serena alone. She needs a lot more time than me to heal anyway.

"Hey." She says. "Why so sad? You could still journey if you want. Don't you wanna re-challenge the Kalos League?"

"Well, that's the thing Serena. I want you to come with me. It won't be the same without you."

We stay silent for the next 5 minutes trying to think of what we wanted to do. I really want to journey. I really do. But I also want Serena to come along with me. But if she can't...I don't wanna leave her alone. Because who knows. Maybe she'll need another surgery and probably die from it. I'd hate for that to happen, especially when I'm not there.

I take a deep breath and hold Serena's hand again. She looks up at me with that beautiful smile of hers. I can't leave her. There's gotta be a way.

~°♡The Next Day, 5:00pm♡°~

"Ah! Ow-!"

"Serena. Be careful."

I'm helping Serena walk in her crutches. She's using them for the first time, and she's been slamming them down on her weak foot for the 5th time. She was right, this IS hard. About 20 minutes later we finally get inside the school and quietly sneak our way into our dorm. We didn't want anyone to know we're here...yet.

Serena slams herself down on the couch. "Finally! It took us forever to get here."

"Because you're slow with your foot." I smiled at her. "But don't worry, you'll get better soon."

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