Keep A Secret

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Serena's POV

An arm grabs mine and pulls me...into the bathroom??

When I get in, I can see the girl before me.


But what does she want? And why is she making it so secretive? Does she wanna apologize?? The questions are stocking up in my head. But I do know one thing, I'm not really happy to see her.

"Blue." I start off, crossing my arms. "What do you want??"

Blue knows she's not going to have an easy time talking to me, she can see it in my face expression. She sighs.

"Listen, Serena." She says. "I don't have much time."

Now. Now she's gotten my attention. "You don't have much time?? For what?"

"To tell you."

"To tell me what??"

Blue looks around in case anyone was watching. Which, there isn't. It's only us in here.

"What are you looking at?" I ask.

Blue's face went into fear. "Because I don't know Serena, he could be watching me."

I can already see where this is going. Only by a mile. "Who, Calem??"

"Yeah, C-"

I've had enough. "Listen Blue, I'm not falling for one of your silly little tricks again. If this is to only make me scared, you've already failed. I'm not scared anymore. So stop it."

"Wait Serena, I'm not joking."

I roll my eyes. "Of course you're not joking. Just trying to make me more scared."


"What's next? You're gonna go get Calem so you two can beat me up? I don't think so."

"Serena-! Listen to me!" Blue yells.

She shocked me but I'm not going to let my guard down. "Fine Blue." I say, in defeat. "Just what do you have to tell me. And why is it about Calem?"

Blue takes a deep breath and sighs once again. "Well, can you keep a secret?"

"Why would it be a secret?"

"Because Serena, he told me not to tell you. Or anybody."

"Then what is it?"

"He's after you, Serena. He's after you, Ash, and the rest of your friends. He's targeting me, too. It was last night when he said this, but I couldn't hold it in."

I sighed. "And how do I know this is true..? That you're not just making up stuff..?"

"Serena, it's because I care about you. I might not show it but, I was going to try and make friends with you and that's when I met Calem. I didn't know he had anything to do with you. When he told me to be on his side and constantly threaten you, I didn't want to. But after he insisted and even threatened to hurt me, I had no choice. I had to say something before things escalate."

So that was it. Blue actually wanted to be my friend, but ended up being forced to bully me thanks to Calem. You know what they say, those who bully have been bullied. Maybe she's not a bad person after all.

I was about to ask another question when the door swung open. It was Lillie.

"Serena! You need to come, quick!"

Me and Blue look at her in shock.

"Wait.." Lillie says, "What's she doing here??"

"It doesn't matter. What happened?"

"It's Ash! Something happened to him!"

Blue and I look at each other in shock. Without a word, the three of us dash out the bathroom and go to our dorm hall.

When we got to our dorm, there was a crowd of people standing there. Must be some other students. Professor Sycamore was there along with several administrators and Aria, who is supposed to be the assistant principal.

"Serena!" Professor Sycamore rushed up to me. "Thank goodness you're here."

But I didn't wanna talk to him, I just wanted to see if Ash was alright. I push through him and several other people until I get inside.

But there's no sign of Ash. He's nowhere. Just a little bit of blood scattered around the dorm and a bunch of things were turned over, messed up, or broken.

This almost looked like a crime scene. The last thing I need is to find Ash's dead body in his dorm.

"Professor you know what happened??" Lillie asks.

"I don't know. He's not anywhere. We currently have administrators checking the school for him, but we haven't heard anything yet."

Both Lillie and Blue pat my shoulders and tell me it's going to be okay. All I want is for Ash to at least not be dead. Please.

I don't know what to do at a time like this. So I cry and run off. It sounds childish but there's a lot of things going through my head, and when that happens I tend to make irrational decisions. The girls follow behind me.

I run off to the student chill section where I was supposed to be this morning. I'm there now, but instead of doing makeovers I'm endlessly crying with my hands over my eyes. Lord knows what could've happened to Ash.

While I calm down, the girls talk to Blue and they to negotiate with her. It turns out we had her as a misunderstanding and finally agreed that all of us could start over. Blue had also agreed she wouldn't bully us no matter how much Calem tells her to.


It rings a bell. Blue did say he was coming for us, but I never thought he'd actually do it. He says threatening things but doesn't mean them. I guess this time he got serious.

It's just 7 of us here: Me, Blue, Lillie, Miette, Nini, Shauna, and Dawn. Dawn's in my class and we sometimes sit down at lunch together.

"This could only mean one thing."

"Serena? What are you talking about?" Miette asks.

"Blue. Didn't you tell me Calem was coming for all of us?"

"Yeah, I did. But I never thought he'd actually mean it."

"We all didn't." Nini said.

All I can do is clench my fists and hope for the better. Ash, where ever you are; I hope you're okay.

Ash's POV

I have absolutely no idea where I am. I remember waking up on Serena's bed, but she wasn't there. She might've gone to hang with the other girls, so I left it alone. I went back to my dorm and got dressed. Then I went to out to my dorm hall, down the elevator, and in the main hall so I could go to the battlefield. Me and Alain had agreed yesterday afternoon that we would battle today. The only reason we couldn't battle yesterday is because he had to make up work.

I was only a few blocks away when Calem stepped up. I tried to get away from him and go on to the battlefield when two boys grabbed me by both of my arms. I managed to escape and run back to our dorm. But somehow, Calem had chased me there and even stopped me when I tried to close the door. It was like a murder scene to-be.  I ran around, and tried to fight back. Some things were broken, and some things were flipped over. They were all hitting me so hard I had multiple scars with blood running out. Finally, Calem gives me one final punch and I blacked out. The last thing I heard was Pikachu squealing in horror.

And now here I am. Stuck, inside a dark room, no windows. I can hear a bunch of people talking above me, maybe I'm still in the school. If it was one thing it was that Calem surely did this. I just hope he doesn't come for Serena next. She could never handle the way those boys beat me. If anything, they'd probably beat her to death. And she's already been beaten hard enough by Calem himself.

Serena, where ever you are; I hope you're okay.

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