❤💚Amourshipping Holiday Special💚❤

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(I made yet ANOTHER extra chapter lol)


1. This is when Ash and Serena already had their baby

2. This baby is the same as the baby that's going to be introduced in SL2 but has NOTHING to do with the story- this is just random

3. Ik the baby is Sawatari Midori from Gakuen Babysitters. Just pretend she kinda resembles Serena's hair, I keep watching and rewatching the anime it's just too adorable Q.Q

4. Like I said, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with what's going on in SL or SL2, this is just an extra chapter made for the holidays ^^

5. Calem is in this story. (HE'S NICE DON'T WORRY)

6. Characters include:

Aubrey (The baby's name)
And all of their pokemon obviously

7. The baby is 6 months old. Serena got pregnant in September (she revealed it on her birthday in October when she was already a month in) and was born in June, which is a full 9 months. June to December is 6 months so the baby is 6 months old at this time, which I reckon that's how old Midori probably is given the fact she can't walk nor talk yet

8. The Devils in SL2 are not here, their character seemed interesting but I wanted to keep it between the Xyz family and not Ocs

9. Ash and Serena still live in their apartment

10. If you've seen Gakuen or School Babysitters, Aubrey acts exactly like Midori. She's just Ash and Serena's child ;w;

To start off I guess, Ash and Serena are having a holiday party in their apartment. Everyone in the characters list will be coming(except Dawn, Paul, and Calem but he is seen later on).

The reason why I'm not waiting all the way until Christmas to post this is because on Christmas I definitely will have my hands full since my sister is coming to visit so I'll try to get on whenever I can. So that's why I called this a holiday update instead of Christmas cuz obviously it ain't Christmas yet xd

I guess, just enjoy this little extra I've got for you guys c:

(Ash's POV)

And so, there we were. At the very top of the Lumiose Tower. We're cornered by Team Flare, there's absolutely no way out.

Now you know what happens next, right? We jump off, get injured, survive and whatever.

I don't know what part of my brain told me to jump, but I did. It's my fault Serena got hurt. She could've been in critical conditions while I probably would've been fine. I can't imagine her dying while I'm still alive.

What if we didn't jump? What if we stood our ground? This scene in my life replays a thousand times in my nightmares with a thousand different scenarios.

I could've died. Serena could've died. We both could've died. We might've been shot to death by Team Flare and left to fall off the tower just for our heads to crack wide open at the very bottom. I could've woken up from the fall and seen Serena's entire body be covered by medics.

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