Cafeteria Craziness

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Ash's POV

*Morning time*

Me and Serena are walking to the cafeteria. We're going to try and eat fast so we can get to Miss Aubrey early and show her our pictures. I haven't seen Calem yet, so that's a good sign.

We both grab pancakes and sit down with Trevor, Tierno, Sawyer, Shauna, Miette, and Nini. Me and the boys start talking about what time we should have a pokemon battle after school, and the girls start talking about which perfume smells better than the other.

I'm listening to the boys' conversation but I over hear Miette talking about Blue, Calem's girlfriend.

"So, did you hear what happened yesterday?"

"No," Serena answered, "what happened?"

Miette continues. "I heard Blue's been sneaking in and out of school."

"Wait, isn't that-" Nini starts up.

"..Calem's girlfriend. Yeah, she is. And she makes me so sick." Serena interrupted.

There was a long pause before all the girls went "Exactly!" and they started to share all the negative opinions they had for her.

Serena gets up and puts her tray on the table near the trash. Then she walks over to me. "C'mon Ash, we're supposed to go to Miss Aubrey now, right?"

Sawyer looks up at me. "What'd she say?"

"Oh yeah, we're going to go to Miss Aubrey's class early so we can show her our pictures." I responded.

Miette interferes, "Or was it to do something else~?"

"Ooooooohh~!" Shauna and Nini coo at us. Serena's face turns as red as a cherry and starts yelling at the girls about how wrong they are. I chuckle in response and me and Serena head out of the Cafeteria to go to class early.

Miss Aubrey absolutely LOVED our pictures. And she was fascinated with everyone else's too. Our whole class period consisted of a slideshow of different essays and how to write them. Our day really didn't highlight up until lunch. That's when all the craziness started to happen.

"Ash..." Serena whispers to me, "There's Calem..."

She was definitely right. I look over and there he is, sitting on a lunch table right next to Blue.

"And he's with Blue too.." I responded. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

"Pika pi!" Pikachu squeaked in response. I can see Serena's mouth slowly turning from a small frown to a light smile. It's a good feeling to have someone's back, because you're making them, and yourself feel good. I just hope nothing bad actually happens.

Serena's talking with the girls at a different table. I sat at a different table with the boys but I still keep my eyes open for anything. Serena's voice starts getting louder and louder to the point of where she's yelling, but not too loud.

"Hey Ash, look it's Blue. She's bothering the girls..." Sawyer nudged me.

I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but it sounded like Serena was trying to defend the girls and herself.

Blue gave her this "Fine, you win" look, turned around, and strutted over back to Calem like his little doll. I didn't intervene because I thought it was going to be over, but my thoughts turned all the way around when Blue walked back over to the girls, this time with Calem in tow.

The amount of fear that struck in Serena's face made me wanna get up and punch Calem in his stomach. This dude will never stop. However Nini, Shauna, Miette, and this time Lillie weren't really all that afraid of Calem and instead tried defending Serena.

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