Silly Serena!

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Ash's POV

Me, Serena, Bonnie, and Clemont are all sitting down at a Pokemon Center where we agreed to talk together. We told them what happened at our school.

"You mean someone must've placed explosives in your school?!" Clemont exclaims.

"It must've been really scary!" Bonnie adds on.

I rub my head. "Yeah, it kinda was. Thankfully we managed to get out."

Clemont looks down for a moment but looks back up again. "I'm curious. Why'd you come here?"

"The nearby hotels were getting full, plus we needed to get away from a certain enemy."

The siblings go wide-eyed. "A certain enemy??" They ask in unison.

Bonnie looks down at Serena's stomach. "Hey Serena, why's your stomach all wrapped up?? Was it because of the enemy?"

Serena smiles. "To be honest, it kinda was. And to tell the truth, the enemy and I used to be in a relationship. Until he started treating me I just broke up with him. At that time I was already accepted to the school."

Bonnie pouts and gets up from her seat. "Serena! You know you like Ash! How dare you leave him for some..some dumb jerk like that guy! Ash will be a better keeper anyways."

"Bonnie! It's none of your business of what their love life is like." Clemont intervenes.

"Well you need a keeper too! And I'm never gonna stop looking for the perfect girl until you find one!"


Me and Serena laugh to ourselves. These two can cause so many trouble for each other sometimes. But hey, it's just their way of looking out for one another.

Serena gets up from her seat. "Why don't I go to the nearby shop to get some macarons?"

"Okay! That sounds cool!"

"Pika, Pikachu!" (Yummy!)

"Yay! Macarons!"

Out of nowhere, Chespin jumps out of his pokeball and Pancham comes out of his.

"Pan cham cham!" (Chespin!!)

"Chespin, che!" (Pancham!!)

Serena giggles. "I guess they've really missed each other. Anyway, I'll be back okay?"

Serena's POV

(Btw she's walking back from the store)

Everyone's going to love the flavors of  the pastries I got! I'm excited to try them myself. I'm currently walking back to the PokèCenter with Sylveon, who currently has one of her ribbons wrapped around my wrist, like a Sylveon would.

I'm looking at the box of macarons when I actually bump into some one..and drop them. Oops.

"Sylveon?!" (Serena, are you okay?!)

I get up from my knees. "I'm fine. But the macarons aren't.."

Suddenly, a hand drops down in front of me. "Need some help?"

"Ehm, sure..thanks."

As soon as I'm helped up I realize it was Travis who had offered to help me up. I'm guessing his "Fan club" had stopped following him because I don't see any crowd anywhere.

"Ahh..thanks! You're Travis..right?"

"Yep! The one and only! Wait, how'd you know it was me? Or is it because I'm really famous?"

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