Movie Night

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(Saturday, 8:30 pm)

Ash's POV

Earlier, me and Serena agreed to watch a bunch of movies together. Since I don't really watch movies or keep up with the latest films, I let Serena take over and pick what we watch. But she's taken that to her advantage. She's been scrolling and scrolling through romantic movies and horror movies. Serena's been at this for about 10 minutes now. I'm only covering my face so she doesn't see me blushing.

Which also isn't working out because Serena would tap me repeatedly on my arm for every movie she found.

"Ooh! Ash, how about 'Love's Price'? Shauna said it's a good movie! Should we watch it? I think we should watch it! Or action movie!"

"Mhm." I mumbled at her. "Whatever makes you happy."

"Hmm..I know Ash!"

I took my hands off my face. "What is it?"

"Pika?" Pikachu says in the same tone.

"We should invite more people to watch movies with us! Like a movie party!"

NO! Not more people! I wanted us to be together! So we could watch movies ALONE! If more people come then it'll be too crowded!

But all I managed out my mouth was, "Uhm, sure! That sounds like a nice idea!"

Serena smiles and jumps up from the couch, tugging on my hand. "C'mon! We can invite the girls, Sawyer, OOH! This'll be so fun!"

I had no choice but to follow her out the dorm, walk with her down the hall, and go through just about every dorm hall to find our friends so they can join us for this "Movie party".

~10 minutes later~

By now, we've got all of Serena's friends: Shauna, Miette, Nini, Lillie, Lana, Dawn, and my friends, Sawyer, Trevor, Gary, Tierno, and Brock. Brock was one of my former friends I used to travel with back in Kanto.

But it's too crowded in here. The whole purpose of me agreeing to watching a movie was because I wanted to watch one alone with Serena. But instead we have a whole handful of people in our dorm.


It's about 12:30 at night. Everyone's gone back to their dorms. All that's left is me, Serena, and Pikachu. They're both asleep on the couch while I'm watching the rest of an action movie Miette picked out.
I gotta admit, I didn't want everyone to be at our dorm because I just wanted to watch a movie with Serena alone. But I get why she invited everybody--she wanted it to be less awkward.

Even though it is 12 at night and we have no curfew to wake up at in the morning, I still need to sleep. Problem is, Serena's lying down on top of my lap.

Her head's on my lap, and the rest of her body descends down from my legs and onto the rest of the couch. Pikachu's sleeping right next to me on top of a pillow. I decide to switch off the movie and try to get Serena up.

But she looks so cute when she's sleeping.

I didn't wanna disturb her nor Pikachu. The only choice that's left is to pick her up. *Sigh*

I carry Serena bridal style and walk to her dorm room and lay her down on her bed. Then I put a loose blanket on top of her. I don't know what told me to sit down next to her but I did. Something about our conversation didn't seem right. How she got thrown off when I told her some people don't change. Serena's really good at heart, so of course she'd believe that almost anyone could change.

(Sunday, 11:25 am)

Serena's POV

I've usually never had a record of waking up late before. But this morning takes the cake. I've NEVER got up at almost 12 in the afternoon! And when did I go to sleep?!

After (frantically)checking my phone for the time, I hear distant snoring. It might be Ash. It's a little louder than usual, which is weird. But then I realize that sound is coming from my room. Wait.

Ash was right there, laying on the rear edge of my bed. And fast asleep too. I'm frozen in my place, since he's half-heartedly laying on my legs. But I managed to slither my legs from under him and off the bed.

I'm going out have a makeover with Lillie. At the movie party we had both agreed to go to the chilling spot in the school and have it there. The others couldn't make it. Either they had to make up work, participate in school clubs, or go to extra classes. Lillie's going to meet me in the chilling spot, so I have a long way to walk.

I'm half down the main hall when I hear someone whisper to me.

"Psst..! Serena..!"

Before I can answer or even look for that matter, an arm grabs mine and pulls me...into the bathroom???

A/N, Sorry for the short chapter and distant updates. Online school is killing me and my time .^. But the show shall go on!

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