A Preternatural Day

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Serena's POV

It's Wednesday. Ash and I have gotten in our own little happy relationship. And I'm glad - it means I don't have to worry about that Calem anymore.

It's currently 3:07 in the morning, an unusual time to wake up, I know. But Ash isn't here sleeping beside me. He's not in his bathroom because I don't see the light on. I grab my crutches and make my way out into our living room part of the dorm where I see Ash taking some sort of pill along with a glass of water.

He must've heard me come in because my crutches do make noise when I use them. "Ash?"

"Oh. Hey Serena. What are you doing up?"

"I should be asking you the same thing." I smiled. "Are you alright? Do you not feel good?"

I almost tripped walking over to Ash, but luckily he caught me before I made a fall. "I'm okay. I just couldn't sleep." He says.

"How?" I ask. I know I shouldn't be talking, with me waking up in the middle of the night because of Calem, but if it's drastic enough to where he needs to take a pill for it; I'm concerned.

But he manages a smile I can't resist. "Thinking about you."

"Oh, Ash. Tell me the truth, what's going on?"

"...If I told you, you wouldn't believe me."

I still manage to smile at him, but the back of my head is saying something else. Like something's actually wrong, and Ash isn't telling me. But what would we need to hide from each other?

I pinch his right cheek flirtatiously. "And why would I do that?"

Ash takes my hand off his face but then frowns. "Well...I kinda had a nightmare about something...you to say the most."

I pose a frown on my face too.

"...What was it about?"

Ash holds his head down and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"It isn't important."


Ash touches my cheek and pulls me into a soft kiss.

"We should go back to bed." He says.

I smile as we go back to sleep. As I shut my eyes, I put my doubts behind me. Maybe Ash was just passing from something, but I can't put it behind me that easily.

~°♡Thursday, 8:30am♡°~

Ash's POV

Serena's getting used to walking in her crutches to where I don't need to help her, which is good. We're in our morning class right now, which is Miss Aubrey's. But I can't focus, because my head hurts. Like really bad. It's the pills - I'm not surprised. I can see Serena shooting worried looks at me during our lesson, but that's not the only thing I'm focused on.

It's been kinda weird walking down any hall for the both of us. People would just look. Others would wish for Serena to be okay because of her ankle. Some boys wanna battle me later. Some girls wanna give us...treats? Nobody's really talked to us like this before, and we're not even popular around this school. I might've mistaken seeing things floating around outside earlier. Random little accidents happened too.

A few people would drop their stuff - in front of us at that. Some sassy girls would purposely step on Serena's leg just to get her to notice them...for whatever reason they probably had. Somebody kicked Serena's crutches while they were walking, therefore it made her fall over. Before I could get to her, the man quickly helped her up and asked her out. After Serena gestured to me saying I'm her boyfriend, the dude shot me a "you'd better be lucky I'm not in the mood to fight" look, and walked away. Odd..

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