Ash and Serena's Escape Route

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Ash's POV

"Alright Serena, ready to go through that tunnel?"

"Yeah...are you sure you still wanna wear your jacket?"

Last night, we got trapped in a trap hole and had to sleep in a tiny corner next to each other. Serena however, wore my jacket over herself. I put it there because she was cold.

"Yeah I'm sure! Let's go."

The tunnel wasn't so dark as it was last night. And it wasn't that long either.

The tunnel lead to a forest. Probably the outskirts of Lumiose.

"Great.." Serena grumbles,"Now we'll have to walk all the way back.."

"Or maybe we can just call for help Serena. But, my phone's about yours?"

"I think charged it while we were in the hotel last night. Let me check.."

Serena takes her phone out her vest pocket and presses the side button with her thumb. "Oh..mines is dead too.."

And just as she was about to put it back in her pocket, it slips out of her hand. And falls in a trench.

"My phone!! I need to get it out!"

"Wait, Serena!!"

Serena leaps herself into the trench after the phone. But I caught a hold of her leg before she could fall in.

"Eh...Ash!! I need to go in..!"

"Serena. Think about this first. You were just about to dive yourself into a trench. You could've gotten hurt."

I pull the rest of her body up.

"I guess you're right...I'm sorry Ash.."

I gotta admit it was a negligent move...but Serena looks so cute when she's apologetic.

"I-it's alright! We'll get it out somehow."

Suddenly, a vine reaches down, picks up the phone, and gives it to Serena

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Suddenly, a vine reaches down, picks up the phone, and gives it to Serena. The both of us turn around to see a Leafeon standing there.

"'s a Leafeon!"

Serena takes a suspicious look. "Yeah, a very familiar looking Leafeon.."

"What do you mean by familiar?"

The Leafeon uses its vines to take our hands and we run off along with it.

"Woah..hey! Slow down!"

The Leafeon doesn't let go until we reach a city. Lumiose city. Once we were feet away from the forest she lets go.

"Wow, we're back in the city Ash!"

"Yeah, thanks a lot Leafeon!"

Me and Serena turn our backs to see Clemont, Bonnie, Sylveon, and Pikachu headed this way.

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