Calem Strikes Again

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Serena's POV

3 days and still no sign of Ash. Due to him being missing for over 48 hours, the school has counted it as a kidnapping and all classes have been closed. Students also need to stay inside their dorms unless they need to use the bathroom, check out/turn in a book or any other favor, or eat.

It's empty in this dorm. I miss him. We haven't even caught up that much together. I wish I could tell him how I feel but now it's too late. This is all my fault.

I was about to cry but there's a few knocks at the door. Maybe it's Professor Sycamore or one of the girls, maybe even Blue. I walk over to the door.

I'm hesitant to open it, but I do it anyway. As soon as I turn the doorknob, I get pushed in, and the door slams shut. And locked. Which, my keys are in my room. Who just came in?

I get back on my feet only to realize it's just Calem standing there.


"Calem?! What do you want?!"

He gives me that disgusting evil smirk on his face. "Well..I was hoping I'd stop by."

Ugh.."Stopping by? Really?! Look, the school's already warned you enough." Stay away from me. Why can't you just get it through your head?!"

"That's not reason why I'm here, Serena."

"Then what?? What is it that you want?" I ask.

"Oh...just wondering if Blue told you about what I was doing."

Oh no..Blue did tell me about what his "plans" were to get me back. I'd really just tell him what happened back in the girls bathroom but at the same time, Blue might get hurt. And knowing Blue is nice now..

"Yes Calem. She did tell me. And guess what? I'm not scared. You may have kidnapped Ash, but that'll be the first and last time you did that."

Calem chuckles under his breath. "You really think Ash is gone and dead?? You petty little doll. He's just in the basement of the school. Nobody's found out that room, so I have."

"...Why are you telling me this? If that's where he is then..I'll get him out. And I'll stop you."

Calem pulls out an insane wicked smile and pulls out a pocket knife. "Oh really?"

Ash's POV

"Pikachu, use iron tail!"

Now that I've got my pokemon free from the cages, we need to work on getting out of here, and fast.

Pikachu uses his tail to cut the rope tying my hands together. And it breaks off easily. Now that I've got these ropes off of me, we need to break the door to this basement open. After the door is stairs that lead up to a door in the school that opens to the main hall. Calem's not here, but I'd better hurry.

I free Greninja out of his cage. He uses cut, and Pikachu uses iron tail to break down the door. Then, we run up the stairs. I can finally get out of here and tell the Professor what happened. I can clear this up and finally see Serena. She must be worried about me.

I finally get up the stairs and into the hall. But there's one problem, I can't get to the elevator because Calem's walking down the stairs and heading this way. We quickly hide behind a pillar and Calem walks just past it, and into the door.

The three of us run to the elevator quickly and go to our dorm hall. Thank God. I can finally see Serena. I'm going to be so happy.

"Pika pi!"

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