We're On Our Way

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(Sit back, it's another very long chapter)

~°♡7 months later, 4:23 am: Friday♡°~

Serena's POV

Recently, ever since Ash took my virginity, I've had the urge to wake myself up in the middle of the night for apparently no reason. It's been going on for the past 7 months now, and today's the last of school. So what am I doing writing in my diary at 4 in the morning?

I would usually just wake up, use the bathroom, go back to bed, only to lay there and stare at the ceiling until my eyes shut. Sometimes, I go to the living room just to scroll through my feed on my phone late at night. I even snuck out of the dorm once and took a walk. I'm lucky that Ash is a heavy sleeper.

For these past 9 months, I can't believe I got into a relationship with him in only 2. I know we're still kinda young and naive being only 18, but we promised we'd spend the rest of our lives together.

In just only 62 days, we've met, protected, provided for, travelled with, saved, kissed, and had sex with each other. It's crazy. We did it from time to time because of my ankle. But lucky for us, it recovered about a month after our first time. And ever since we'd do it now and then, and it's probably why I'm waking up so late at night. I never thought losing your virginity would bring so many questions.

But I know you're not here to hear me talk about having sex.

As I said, today's the last day of school. It's Friday, 4 in the morning at that. The staff say all students have a day after school ends to check out of their dorms and go home, or on a journey. And our teachers have tought us so much. I can't wait to travel with Ash.

I should really get to sleep. It's 4:42, and I don't want Ash finding me up in the middle of the night writing in my diary. Tomorrow's the end of school, but also the start of our new path.




"Serena. Wake up."

I only wish I didn't go to sleep 3 hours before we have to wake up for school...and only if I didn't have this dude in bed right next to me shaking me up out of my sleep.

"C'mon Serena, today's the party. You don't wanna miss it, do you?"

The school's holding a party for the last day. We graduated yesterday, and there was a party after that too. But Ash wanted us to "celebrate" back at our dorm so we missed that. Today, it's just a full-on celebration, similar to prom. Ash said he promised we'd go today, so we'd better go today or tonight he won't be so dominant.

"Alright, fine. I'm getting up."

"I thought so. It seemed like you were never gonna get up."

"Can you blame me?"

"...No. I guess I can't. Come here."

I push Ash back lightly. "Not now. We gotta get ready to see everyone."

I hear him huff and look at him to see him smiling at me. "Fine. But I won't get off of you so easily."

We get dressed and go to see everyone. Since the party's not until 6, we go to the Cafeteria and eat breakfast. But as soon as we get to our friends, they start laughing.

"Guys? What's so funny?" Ash asks them.

"Dude," Sawyer says, "we...ahaha..we gotta talk.

"Wait, wha-"

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