Back in Lumiose

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Blue's POV

"Are you sure she's not anywhere around here?"

I sigh. "I dunno Shauna. She couldn't have gone too far."

It's been a day after the school fire incident. All of us are staying in nearby hotels until Shalour High opens up again. Well, except for Ash and Serena that is. It's like they've completely disappeared. And none of us can find them.

On a good note, I'm now friends with Serena's friends! I talked to them last night in the room we're staying in and explained what happened. We all agreed that everything that happened in the past stays in the past.

Me, Shauna, Miette, Nini, Lillie, Mallow(Another one of Serena's friends), Lana, and Dawn are sharing a room together.

I wonder where Ash and Serena could be. Surely they couldn't have died in the school fire. And where is Calem??

Serena's POV

"Alright, Lumiose City!!"

I follow Ash running behind him as we both enter Lumiose City. I'm always in awe everytime I come here. It's pretty as always! The stores selling clothes or pastries, the parks, people walking with their pokemon, and right in the middle of all of it is the Lumiose Tower! It stuns me everytime.

"C'mon Serena! We gotta go see Bonnie and Clemont!"

"Oh! Yeah! Coming..!"

Ash grabs my hand and we both run towards the Lumiose City Gym, where Clemont and Bonnie are hopefully there.

Ash grabs my hand and we both run towards the Lumiose City Gym, where Clemont and Bonnie are hopefully there

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Ash looks at the gym. "There it is! The Lumiose City gym!"

Pikachu squeaks in response.

"Yeah, it's so big.."

"Well, shall we go in?" Ash says lushly, while gesturing his arms for me to go first.

I giggle. "Oh Ash, C'mon.."

Ash smiles and we both walk into the gym.

Just as we walk in, we hear a battle going on. There's a bunch of people watching Clemont and another person battle. Bonnie is standing a few feet behind Clemont next to Clembot while cheering him on.

Me and Ash try to not make any trouble and go sit on the bleachers where everyone else is. He wanted to watch the battle - typical Ash. So I sit down and watch the fight too. I can see that Clemont's face is full of pure determination, while the other man's face was hot and red with rush. He's battling very well no doubt, but he's just rushing his battle so he can win the Lumiose gym badge. And I don't think that's what you're supposed to do.

Apparently, we found out the huge crowd of people watching him is his fan club. His name is Travis, and it seems that he's an internet sensation. When people heard that he was challenging the Lumiose gym, people from all over came to see it, according to what a nearby fan had said.

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