Getting Back to You

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Ash's POV

So the school's 'Dinner Time' has started. It's basically everyone going into the schools cafeteria(it looks like a mall food court), and picking out certain foods made from chefs to make a dinner. Kinda like a buffet. I pick out my foods and look for Serena. I found her sitting at a table by herself eating forkfulls of fried rice. I walk over to her and quietly make myself known.
"Hey Serena..again."

She looked up at me. "Oh, hi Ash! Wanna sit with me?"

I kinda blushed under my hat but tried to shake it off. I told her "Sure" and sat down next to her. We both just ate in silence for about 3 minutes before I brought up what she had said earlier.

" said you used to travel with Ash?"

"Mhm!" She reassured excitedly. "Me and him used to be really good friends, but he had to leave for Kanto after I had to leave for Hoenn."

"You went to Hoenn for performance training right?" I asked her, even though I already knew.

She was about to say yes but paused herself. "'d you know I perform??"

I smiled, "Didn't I see you when you left? You said goodbye to me, Bonnie, and Clemont before you left right?"

Serena looked extremely confused and put her hands on her head to think and put two and two together. It took her about a moment before she dropped her arms and immediately looked at me with the most shocking face I've ever seen on her.

"OHH! ASH! ITS YOU!!" She shrieked.

I rubbed the back of my head. I'm happy she finally noticed. We talked and caught up with each other about what happened for us in the past few years.

"So Ash, you knew I was gonna be at this school??" Serena asked.

"Yeah" I responded, "When I got the invitation saying that I was enrolled, there was a list of all the people in my class to show up. Apparently your name was there."

"So we're both in college.." Serena said, "It's amazing how far we've came to now."

I nodded with her in response and Pikachu did too. Throughout the whole dinner time we talked and laughed and chatted with each other.

We were both walking in the hallway from the cafeteria when I had to use the bathroom.

"Hey Serena, mind if I go use the bathroom real quick?"

"Sure! I'll just wait out here."

I walked in the bathroom and did my business. I was done washing my hands when I opened the door and saw Serena talking to some guy. She didn't look really happy either.

"I don't wanna talk right now Calem. I'm waiting for my roommate to get done using the bathroom so we can go to our dorms."

"C'mon Sere, just a few minutes over at mine won't hurt."

"I told you to STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Serena yelled. Her face was getting a little red and I could see her getting more visibly upset.

This dude she was talking to was Calem. He used to be an old friend of mine right after I met Serena at camp. But because everyone was more interested in me and my pokemon skills more than him, Calem got jealous and we stopped being friends.

From what I've been hearing so far, Calem and Serena might've been in a relationship that didn't work out. Yet he's still trying to get her to be with him. Sad.

"Listen Calem," Serena grumbled, "I don't wanna be in a relationship with you anymore. It just didn't work out, so why are you still trying to be with me? You probably haven't learned after cheating on me anyway."

Calem froze which probably meant she was right. "I mean, it was just a one night stand anyway, she wouldn't have been as good as you."

"Those text messages didn't say so." Serena snapped back. It was pretty clear she didn't want him being around her right now. I decided to open the door and come out while they were talking, or slightly arguing for that matter.

Serena quickly turned and looked at me with her face expression going from visibly upset to slightly frightened. Calem looked at me like he literally wanted to murder me.

"Calem." I said, "It's been a while hasn't it."

"You better had not done anything with this girl," Calem snapped at me, "because I don't wanna have to do this."

He grabbed Serena by her arm and quickly tried to run off with her. Luckily, Pikachu jumped off my shoulder and electrocuted him. Serena then ran back to me and I grabbed her hand. While Calem was still on the ground, we quickly ran to the elevator and went to our dorm hall. That was a close one.

Serena stayed silent while we walked to our dorm room. Once we got in she let go of my hand and ran to her room and shut the door. I felt bad. Calem might've been victimizing her and for what?? I wanted to talk it out with her but Serena didn't seem like she was in the mood.



It's about almost 10:30 and it's been two hours since that little "Incident" happened. I got up from my bed and walked to Serena's room. Apparently she was still awake. I could hear her sniffling like she'd been crying.

I knocked on her door gently. "Serena?? Are you okay??"

Her voice sounded shaken and scared but she was alright. "Yeah, I'm just fine.."

"Do you need to talk?? I'll talk it out with you if that's alright...with you."

A few seconds passed with silence and her door opens.

We sat down in our "living room" area of our dorm. "So what was that about??" I asked.

Serena took a few deep breaths and sighed before she spoke. "After we parted ways here in Kalos, you know I went to Hoenn, right?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"Well after I completed my training there I went back to Kalos for another shot. About a year after I met Calem."

"I know him." I addressed to her. "We used to be friends at that camp right after I met you."

"So what happened??"

"He got jealous of me and we stopped being friends." I said. It was kind of a down moment to me, so I really don't like to talk about it.

"What happened when you met Calem??" I asked her.

"...We got into a relationship. I thought it was nice and it was gonna work out until one day he just started ignoring me. He would always come to his house really late and made up excuses for every time I asked him. 'Sorry babe, I didn't see the time', 'Sorry, I've been training so long today' 'My bad, my friends just didn't want me to go home' every single day. He'd usually come home really drunk and at one point he started hitting me. I never really told anyone because I was scared he'd find out. It stopped eventually, but a few days after that I came back from shopping one day and.."

"..He was cheating on you??"

Serena lowered her head and nodded very slowly. I could see her mouth shaking and her eyes squeezing as tight as they could. She was on edge. She was about to cry.

"I didn't know what to do.." Serena said in a trembling voice. "I just packed up my stuff and left. I went in a nearby hotel because at that time I had gotten the invitation to this school. 5 days later I thought I was here..away from him..but I just can't seem to get away.."

I didn't know what to say. I've never been in a relationship before so I couldn't empathize with her, but it was hard seeing her so sad.

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