A Problem??

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Serena's POV

I don't know what I can do at this point.

I run as fast as I can to escape. But it's no use. He's catching up to me, and my cries of help are fading. The rain is slamming against my skin as I sprint, and the warm tears streaming down my face is blurring my path.

All my thoughts about what's going to happen after this are cut off as I slam my face into a cold, hard brick wall. I was cornered. Here with the rain, myself, and Calem. I can't go anywhere. Calem slowly steps up to me while holding up a bright, sharp knife in his hand.

My heart is racing for its survival. My breathing gets more and more heavier as I sit there, against the wall, my knees bleeding and my nose almost broken.

Calem looks at me with the most evil expression on his face and Forces down the knife inside my chest. .. ..


I nearly scream myself awake. I'm not trapped in the rain with Calem. I'm not bleeding, or getting stabbed. I'm in my dorm room, at school, and it's 4 in the morning.

So it's not a dream...I told myself.

I quietly get out of bed and open my room door. I wanted to check on Ash, so I quickly and quietly tiptoe to his room and crack open the door. As expected, he's sleeping in his bed with Pikachu just a few inches away from him. I smiled. He looked so peaceful, while I'm literally getting over my head about a nightmare.

For the next few hours I couldn't sleep. Drinking water periodically doesn't help, apparently. I lay down but eventually sit myself back up. I can't close my eyes because if I do, I'll open my eyes to getting stabbed in my dream.

I manage to finally fall asleep. Just 30 minutes before it's time to wake up for school which is 7:30. And when it's time to wake up..I get scared. Not because of school, but because he's going to be looking for me. But, as long as I stay close to Ash, I think I'll be safe.

At breakfast, I nearly drop my plate while walking to a table with Ash at breakfast. Guess that's what I get for not going to sleep.

Ash's POV

Serena isn't eating her food. She'll only manage to pick up the fork, take a small bite of her waffles, and start staring back down into her plate. She probably didn't get enough sleep, but looking deeper into her eyes, I know something's wrong. It's up to me to figure it out.

"Serena, what's wrong?? Did you not get enough sleep last night??" I asked her, trying to stir up conversation.

Serena responded by just slowly shaking her head.

"...Is this about what happened yesterday??" I asked.

"What happened yesterday??"

Serena and I turn our backs around only to find Sawyer curiously hovering over us.

"Sawyer!" Me and Serena shout in unison.

"Sawyer!" Me and Serena shout in unison

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