Unfair Justice??

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Serena's POV

This first week of school has been so crazy. Thank God it's finally Saturday. Right now I'm heading to Professor Sycamore's office because he needed to see me. I wonder what for?

"Hello? Professor Sycamore?"

"Serena! It's good to see you."

I took a seat in front of his desk.

"So, what did you wanna see me for? Did I do something bad?"

Sycamore gives me a reassuring look. "No, of course not. Although I do need to talk with you about something."

"What is it?"

"It's about the incident that happened on Wednesday, in the Cafeteria. Can you tell us what happened?"

I lowered my head a little. "Did you already talk to Calem about it?"

"I did. His story was that Ash slapped him and he tried to save you, but ended up getting in a fight. I wanted to talk to you before I could make any accusations. Is that story true?"

I'm a little angry. Did Calem try to lie about what he did so Ash could get in trouble? I don't think so.

"That story isn't true." I said. "Yes, Ash did slap Calem because he was trying to defend us."

"Who is 'us'?" Professor Sycamore asked me, curiously.

"Me, Lillie, Miette, Shuna, and Nini. Blue was bullying us and she went to go get Calem for support. Ash got up and slapped him to defend us. He was about to hit Ash back but I jumped in front of him."

"So you're saying you jumped in front of Ash just before he was about to strike him?"

"Mhm. I think he was about to hit me but that's when you stepped in."

Professor Sycamore looked relieved, for some reason. "So that's what this was. Ash just wanted to defend you girls but ended up getting in a quarrel."

I looked up at him. "I-Is Ash in trouble?"

I have no idea of why I expected him to say yes, but instead he gave me a smile. "No, of course not. I know Ash loves to defend people with the consequence of getting hurt. It's who he is, and I can't change that."

"Phew. That's good. So, what's going to happen to Calem?"

"I have no idea yet. But I'll make sure he will be punished in some way. You don't have to worry."

I got up from the chair, ready to head out. "Well, thank you Professor!"

"Anytime. Have a good Weekend."


Ash's POV

Where's Serena? We were supposed to meet in the school gardens to go for a walk or something. Maybe she's getting ready.

Saturday rolls around and the incident that happened a few days ago is still churning up and down in my head. Originally, today I wanted to go pokemon battling with the boys. Unexpectedly, Serena asked if she wanted to go walking in the school gardens. So I agreed. But where is she?

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