💗Amourshipping Day Special💙

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Hey everyone, and happy Amourshipping Day to my fellow Amourshippers ^^

You're probably wondering why this "extra" chapter is here, because this story's already been completed. (Duh)

Well, it is Amourshipping Day. And this story has Amourshipping in it so...I decided to make a special chapter! Note: This has nothing to do with anything in relation to School Love 2, it's just a tiny continuation of where this story was. And that was when Ash and Serena were graduating and beginning another journey with Clemont and Bonnie.

This chapter has a hint to it though. Today is also Serena's birthday(HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEEN), so Ash will give her a surprise. I'm not gonna spoil anything else though!

The Amv up there is one of my favorites, you should check it out!

With that being said, enjoy this extra chapter I made just for today!

With that being said, enjoy this extra chapter I made just for today!

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(Ash's POV)

"Snowbelle City, here we come!"

"Bonnie!!" Clemont called. "Don't run too fast! You'll get hurt!"

"Well, you're going too slow!"

"It's been a while since we've been here, right Serena?" I asked my girlfriend, currently zipping up her coat.

"Yeah, I'm curious to see how things have changed." She said.

"Hey Ash, I heard they've added a huge public battlefield there! We should go so you can train!" Bonnie squeals.

"...Not today Bonnie."

"Huh? But why?"

Clemont and Serena look at me with a confused expression as well.

"But Ash, I thought you were excited to go on the public battlefields in between cities. You said you'd visit all and even take a picture of them." Clemont said.

It's not that I wanna be lazy today, although when we get to a hotel; I do wanna rest my legs from all this walking for a bit. Today's Serena's birthday and I've planned something just for her.

I've already texted Trevor, Shauna, Tierno, Alain, Mairin, and Professor Sycamore to come here for her party in advance. The school's in summer break right now, so the professor's free.

Everyone else will set up the party at the pokemon center while I distract Serena by going on a date with her. We've never been on a date before.

"..I'll tell you guys why at the hotel. Just wait." I said.

-At the Hotel they're in-

"It's Serena's birthday....?!" Bonnie whispered.

"I-I never knew!" Clemont replied. "We should get her presents-"

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