Finally Going Back

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Serena's POV

Ash and I have been staying with Clemont and Bonnie for the past week. Today we got an email from Professor Sycamore saying that the school is all fixed up. So we can come back today and tomorrow school will start up again. Right now, we're at the train station saying our goodbyes.

Bonnie runs up to me while hugging my waist. "I don't want you to leave Serena!"

"I know Bonnie...but me and Ash need to go to school. We'll come visit some other time, I'm sure of it."

Ash and Clemont watch us as Bonnie sniffles into my stomach. "Aww..I'm gonna miss you guys.."

Bonnie and I finally break apart while Ash pats her on the head. "We'll miss you too Bonnie."

"Just like Serena said, they'll visit sometime again. Don't worry." Clemont reassures.

The call for the Shalour train comes up. It's time for us to go.

I hear Ash say something to Clemont and Bonnie hugs me one more time. We get on the train, and watch them wave goodbye as we drive off.

I sigh. "Another 7 hours on the train.."

"Don't worry Serena! We're glad it's 10:00 in the morning, so when we get there it'll be like 5. We'll have plenty of time to Relax before school starts up tomorrow.

"Huh." I said in defeat. "I guess so."

Ash touches my stomach, which makes me blush. "...So how's your stomach doing?"

"I-It's healing up.."

But I don't think Ash heard what I said. He kept holding my stomach with his hand while looking at it silently. People around us must think I'm pregnant or something.

"Ash? Could you let go of my stomach please?"

"Hmm? Oh, sure...sorry."

I chuckle at him and he does the same with me. It's gonna be a long while on this train so I decide to sleep. Nothing else to do when we get back to our dorms. I can't wait to see everyone. Well, maybe one person.

~☆°Timeskip to School°☆~


Lillie, Dawn, Mallow, Lana, Blue, and Shauna run up to me. We all have a group hug.

"Serena! Where have you been!"

"I'm fine Blue! Ash and I went to Lumiose. We stayed with Clemont and Bonnie!"

"Aww.." Shauna pouts, "Did you tell them I said hi? I wish I could've saw them again too."

I laugh. "Yes. I told them about all of you."

I see Blue look around. "Where's Ash?"

"I have no idea..but I am going back to my dorm. I am so tired."

"Why Serena? You feeling okay?" Mallow asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My stab on my stomach must be taking up most of my energy."

All the girls go wide-eyed at me. "STAB?! WHO STABBED YOU?!"

"Ahhh...I didn't tell you girls did I..."

~°☆8:00 pm☆°~

Ash's POV

I'm in my room drawing a picture with Pikachu watching next to me. I guess Serena's hanging out with the girls because I haven't seen her yet. Speaking of which, she's coming in now. I put up my book(Drawing journal that was a gift from my mom) and get up to go see her.

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