Chapter 12

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Jack G's POV

After seeing Morgan upset earlier, I think I should talk to Matt. I walk up to his room and he is gathering some stuff for the beach.

"Matt." I say.


"You need to tell Morgan."

"what do you mean?" He says chuckling while questioning me.

"You know exactly what I mean." I reply sternly.

"Listen, I'll tell her about Sarah when I'm ready."

Matt says walking out of his room door.

Jack takes his hand pushes him back in the room, "Matt. I'm serious."

"Butt out, will you?"

"I'm not going to stand around and watch you hurt your sister."

"Why are you so concerned about my sister? Do you like her or something?"

"What! No. Why does everybody think that!?"

"Because, dude."

I shake my head, "I jut know how it feels to loose a sibling." I stop and look down, "and I have. And it is so hard to live without him. But I have you guys. And I could never be happier."

Matt nods, "I'm sorry. I just- I jut can't tell her."

"I just don't want you to lose Morgan."

"And I appreciate that, but just don't worry. I have everything figured out."

"Matt. If you don't tell her sooner or later, I will."

"Well, if you tell her, I'll tell the guys and your parents about your little incident you had back home."

I shake my head, "you wouldn't."

"And you wouldn't tell Morgan, would you?"

I look down, shake my head and clench my jaw, "I guess not."

Matt sends me a fake smile and continues to walk out the door.

I turn to him, "Matt, I'm here. If you do need help."

"Thanks man. But I don't need help so I'm good."


I can't believe that Matt would hold what happened back at my home town on me. He's the only one I trusted to tell. Johnson and my sister are the only other ones that know, and if he would tell someone, especially my parents, I would be in a lot of trouble.

*at night*

Shawn's POV

So we are sitting around camp fire in our backyard, and the boys and Morgan ask me to play some music on my guitar so I played Sweater Weather, and Something Big since that's all the guys' favorite. Now we're just sitting around talking.

"No man, she was hot." Johnson finishes.

"I can't argue with that." Taylor agrees.

I keep seeing Gilisnky looking at Morgan. I'm pretty sure he has the hots for her or something. I mean, I'm pretty sure Jack likes her. He always acts so cool when she's around, and blushes when we mention her.

"What should we do tomorrow?" Nash asks us.

"I have no idea." Gilisnky says.

"Junior? What do you think we should do? You're the one with all the ideas." Aaron asks.

Morgan sits there and thinks for a couple seconds, "is there an amusement park around?"

"I actually think there's one past the board walk." Carter replies.

"We should go tomorrow." Matt states.

"I'm in!" I say.

All the guys agree.

"Alright. We should go after lunch." Morgan says.

Gilinsky isn't even hearing what Morgan is saying. He's just looking at her in awe. It's so funny!

I chuckle, "Gilisnky? You in?"

Jack snaps out of his daze, "huh?"

"Going to the amusement park tomorrow?" I reply.

"Oh yeah. Sure." He replies.

"Kenny Holland, and Sammy Wilk are coming to town tomorrow so they should come too." Johnson says.

"Yeah." Carter agrees.

"Okay, well I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you guys in the morning." Morgan says yawning and walking in the house.

"Jack? You gonna go too?" The boys tease.

Gilisnky glares at us, "no."

"You better not." Matt glares.

"I actually have to go the bathroom so I'll be right back." Gilinsky says getting off his chair and following Morgan in the house.

I laugh.

Jack G's POV

Yeah, Morgan is cute. But I don't think she's into me, so, I'm gonna find out.

"Hey." I say to Morgan.

"Gilinsky. What's up?"

"I'm just going to the bathroom."

She nods, "okay. Well, I'll see you in the morning." She turns around.

I quickly grab her arm and spin her right to me so that we are face to face.

She gulps and blushes, "hey."

"Hi." I smirk.

Morgan's POV

"Whatcha, doing?" I ask nervously looking into his eyes then his lips.

I think I'm starting to like Jack. He's funny, and sweet, and cute.

"Morgan, I- I want to-"

He was interrupted by Hayes.

"Carrot?" Hayes asks smirking, holding a plate full of carrots as he takes a bite of one and it makes a loud crunch.

We quickly spread apart, "since when do you eat healthy?" I bug.

He glares, "so what's going on here?" Hayes asks smirking.

"Nothing." I reply quickly.

"Nothing at all." Jack says.

"Alright, well I'm going to go outside now." Hayes says with a chuckle.

"I'm gonna go to bed." I say walking into my room closing the door.

"I have to go to the washroom so I'll see you outside." Gilinsky says walking into the washroom closing the door.

I lean up against my door and smile. But of course, Hayes is the one to interrupt a perfect, romantic moment.

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