Chapter 6

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Morgan's POV

Everyone's family left a couple days ago, but Hayes is going to be staying with us for a little while longer. So today we have our very first Magcon event of the summer! I will be going on stage at first with the rest of the guys, along with Hayes. But Hayes and I are going to sit backstage while the guys do their thing.

"You boys ready?" Aaron asks, "... and girl?"

"Man, thanks for remembering me, Aaron." I say smirking.

He laughs, "sorry Junior."

"Yeah. We're ready!" Cameron yells.

We all put our hands in a circle. And leave our hands there for a few seconds.

"What are we doing?" Shawn asks.

"I don't know. We've never done this before." Taylor says.

At the top of his lungs, Nash yells, "One, two, three, MAGCON!"

And all the boys repeat after him, "MAGCON!"

We run out on stage and everyone started screaming. Matt introduced me, and we just did some entertaining things on the stage while everyone screamed and clapped and cheered. It was time for Hayes and I to go, so we went backstage were there was a couch and a big black arm chair. I ran to the couch and jumped on laying my whole body across it.

"So you leave me to sit on this piece of junk?" Hayes asks.

"Sorry Has."

We were on our phones for a little while until I broke the silence, "Nicole, huh?"

Hayes blushed, "what?" Then he smiled.

"Is she your girlfriend?"


"Why not?" I asked.

"We're just wheeling." He said shrugging.

"Oh." I nod, "only at that point in the relationship, huh?"


"So, do you want to be more than just.. 'wheeling'?" I ask.

"I don't know. I don't think she wants too. She gets really nervous around guys she likes, but I get nervous around girls I like."

"Well, that's when you step in and make a move ."

"Well, I don't know how she'll react."

"Don't you guys talk?" I ask.

"Yeah, but-"

I cut him off, "then make little gestures towards her."

"Like what?" He asks.

"Like nudge her with your arm. Or give her a hug-"

Hayes cuts me off, "what!? I can't hug her!"

"Why not?" I ask shaking my head.

"because." He sinks in his chair, "what if she doesn't hug back?"

"But what if she does?" I ask giving him a half smile, "you boys are scared of everything."

"You know, guys are just as scared as girls to make a move." He replies.

"I'm just saying, if you want to be more than 'wheeling', do something about it."

He nods, "okay. I'll tell you how that works out."

I smile, "I'm serious."

He smiles, "whatever. So, who's your boyfriend?" Hayes asked not taking his eyes off his phone.

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